How to import and export a dashboard,Simple Log Service:This topic describes how to import a dashboard within the same Alibaba Cloud account and across multiple Alibaba Cloud accounts. This topic also describes how to import a Grafana dashboard to Simple
Import and export Grafana dashboards using the Grafana HTTP API and grafana-client, supporting dashboard-as-code workflows. - grafana-toolbox/grafana-import
Tool to export Grafana dashboards keeping folder hierarchy and import on the other instance of Grafana - sunfriendli/grafana-migration-tool
当用户在 Dashboard 页面对 Panel 进行编辑时,QueryCtrl 类将被实例化并作为 Angular 控制器,并根据类中的templateUrl去加载对应的 View 视图,以图形化的界面提供接口数据查询。该类必须继承自grafana/app/plugins/sdk。具体页面展示以及主要代码逻辑如下: import { QueryCtrl } from 'grafana/app/plugins/sdk'; exp...
Import a dashboard To import a dashboard, follow these steps: ClickDashboardsin the primary menu. ClickNewand selectImportin the drop-down menu. Perform one of the following steps: Upload a dashboard JSON file. Paste dashboardURL or ID into the field provided. ...
Amazon Managed Grafana-Dashboards können einfach exportiert und importiert werden, entweder über die Benutzeroberfläche oder über die [HTTP-API]
Um Dashboards von zu importieren, muss Ihr Amazon Managed Grafana-Workspace Zugang zum Internet haben. Nächstes Thema:Exportieren von Dashboards Vorheriges Thema:Dashboards erstellen Brauchen Sie Hilfe? Versuchen Sie es mit AWS re:Post Einen AWS IQ-Experten kontaktieren ...
publicImport(Guid id,stringname =default,stringimportState =default, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.Models.Report> reports =default, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.Models.Dataset> datasets =default, DateTime? createdDateTime =default, DateTime? updatedDateTim...
export ZPA_CLIENT_ID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" export ZPA_CLIENT_SECRET = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" export ZPA_CUSTOMER_ID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" We can get the credentials from Zscaler UI. Client_ID and Client_Secret: We can get the Customer_ID from TenantID: ...
打开目标Grafana共享版大盘。 单击大盘右上角导入Grafana专家版,系统会自动跳转至Grafana控制台页面。 根据需要选择新建Grafana工作区或者在已有Grafana工作区中导入共享版大盘。 说明 如果首次使用Grafana,单击创建工作区后需要先购买服务,具体操作,请参见购买可观测可视化 Grafana 版。 选择导入的大盘,并将大盘导入到目标...