Grafana中的Alert模块提供了告警和预警功能,使用告警和预警功能时,需要在Alert rules模块中建立告警规则。Alert rules主要作用为:对指标进行监控,当指标触发告警条件时,进行告警处理。一个告警规则至少要包含告警条件和告警评估。 告警条件 点击New alert rule添加新的告警规则,如下所示: 上图为Alert rules的第一组件,...
{"status":"firing","labels": {"alertname":"High memory usage","team":"blue","zone":"us-1"},"annotations": {"description":"The system has high memory usage","runbook_url":"","summary":"This alert was triggered for zone us-1"},"startsAt":"202...
2、创建rules.yml文件 mkdir /home/prometheus/conf cd /home/prometheus/conf vim rules.yml groups: - name: example #定义规则组 rules: - alert: InstanceDown #定义报警名称 expr: probe_success == 0 #Promql语句,触发规则 for: 30s labels: #标签定义报警的级别和主机 name: instance severity: Critica...
## Create a directory called monitoring and change the directory into it mkdir monitoring && cd monitoring ## create a file called alert.rules and paste the following into it nano alert.rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 接下来,粘贴以下配置: ## alert.rules groups: - name: targets rules: - ... I agree, this would be a very good feature. I have about 200 alerts on prometheus and I don't want to rewrite them all :) on Aug 21, 2024 atillaqbon Aug 21, 2024 ...
rules: - alert: HighCPUUsage expr: node_cpu_seconds_total / node_uptime_seconds * 100 > 90 for: 5m labels: alertype: system severity: warning annotations: summary: "High CPU usage on {{ $labels.instance }}" description: "{{ $labels.instance }} has high CPU usage for more than 5 ...
To learn how to enable multi-cluster support for Kube-Prometheus rules, refer toEnable multi-cluster support. Related documentation Docs Create Grafana-managed recording rules Docs Create Grafana-managed recording rules Docs Configure Grafana-managed alert rules...
Alert rules(告警规则)——设置确定是否触发警报实例的评估条件。告警规则由一个或多个查询和表达式、条件、计算频率以及满足条件的持续时间(可选)组成。 Contact points(联络点即告警通道)——定义在警报触发时如何通知联系人。我们支持多种 告警通道,例如:邮件、webhook、alertmanager、钉钉等等。
Grafana-managed alert rules can query backend data sources if Grafana Alerting is enabled by specifying{"backend": true, "alerting": true}in theplugin.jsonfile. Find the public data sources supporting Alerting in theGrafana Plugins directory. ...
Grafana allows you to create alerting rules that query one or more data sources, reduce or transform the results and compare them to each other or to fixed thresholds. When these are run, Grafana sends notifications to the contact point.