smtpObj.sendmail(self.sender, self.receiver, message.as_string())print("邮件发送成功")returnTrueexceptsmtplib.SMTPExceptionase:print("Error: 无法发送邮件", e)returnFalsedefgetAlertData(self): alertData = request.get_data()# 将str类型的数据转换为dict类型alertData = json.loads(alertData)#print(...
CustomLabelsCustomlabels are additional labelsfromthe alert rule.Likeannotations,customlabels must have a name,andtheir value can contain a combinationoftextandtemplate code thatisevaluatedwhenan alertisfired. Documentationonhowtotemplatecustomlabels can be found here.Whenusingcustomlabelswithtemplates itisim...
from: "" server: "" port: 25 username: "user" password: "password" 在Grafana 中,可以创建告警规则,并将告警规则与 Alertmanager 的邮件通知配置关联起来。 方案二:使用 Grafana 的 Alert Notification Grafana 的 Alert Notification 功能可以让您直接在 Grafana 中配置...
alertmanager=grafana&matchers=alertname%3DT2%2Cteam%3Dblue%2Czone%3Dus-1\n\nLabels:\n - alertname = T1\n - team = blue\n - zone = eu-1\nAnnotations:\nSource:\nSilence:
- name: example #定义规则组 rules: - alert: InstanceDown #定义报警名称 expr: probe_success == 0 #Promql语句,触发规则 for: 30s labels: #标签定义报警的级别和主机 name: instance severity: Critical annotations: summary: " {{ $labels.appname }}" #报警摘要,取报警信息的appname名称 ...
(blue)","state":"alerting","message":"**Firing**\n\nLabels:\n - alertname = T2\n - team = blue\n - zone = us-1\nAnnotations:\n - description = This is the alert rule checking the second system\n - runbook_url =\n - summary = This is my summary\...
An interval that specifies the frequency ofalert rule evaluationand a duration indicating how long the condition must be met to trigger the alert instance. Other customizable options, for example, setting what should happen in the absence of data, notification messages, and more. ...
点击“Create Alert Rule”。 设置触发警报的条件,例如当up{job="your-service"}的值低于某个阈值时触发警报。 配置通知渠道,如邮件、Slack等,以便在警报触发时接收通知。 5. 保存Dashboard 完成配置后,点击“Apply”保存Panel。 最后,点击Dashboard顶部的“Save dashboard”按钮保存整个Dashboard。
从左侧工具栏打开报警菜单页,然后点击 Create alert rule 按钮新建报警规则: 按照以下步骤配置记录规则: 选择Mimir or Loki recording rule。 填写规则名称 sum:up。 在选择数据源字段中选择 Mimir。 Namespace: example-namespace。 Group: example-group。
To create or edit Grafana-managed alert rules, follow the instructions below. For a practical example, check out ourtutorial on getting started with Grafana alerting. Before you begin Verify that the data sources you plan to query in the alert rule arecompatible with Grafana-managed alert rules...