Python 代码: defcomputeCost(X,y,theta):inner=np.power(((X*theta.T)-y),2)returnnp.sum(inner)/(2*len(X))
一、Linear Regression with multiple variables (多元线性回归): 二、Gradient descent for multiple variables(多元梯度下降法) (1)Gradient descent for multiple variables 偏导数项展开: (2)Feature Scaling(特征缩放) 原因:若特征规模差别很大(如x1:0-2000,x2:1-5),得到的代价函数可能会不光滑,导致梯度下降收...
使特征值在一个相近的范围,这样的话更容易收敛从而更快的找到全局最优解。 Once again,使特征值在一个相近的范围,从而使梯度下降更快。只要范围相近就OK。 归一化(mean normalization): 特征值的范围的标准差做分母(也可以是最大值减去最小值),然后每个特征值减去它们的的平均值做分子。(因为只要使得特征值范围...
其实就是把多变量假设函数带入梯度下降算法之中:梯度运算的使用技巧1:特征缩放(feature scaling)使特征值在一个相近的范围,这样的话更容易收敛从而更快的找到全局最优解。Once again,使特征值在一个相近的范围,从而使梯度下降更快。只要范围相近就OK。归一化(mean normalization):特征值的范围的...
(alpha).11%12% Your taskisto first make sure that your functions -13%computeCost and gradientDescent already work with14%thisstarter code and support multiple variables.15%16% After that,tryrunning gradient descent with17%different values of alpha and see which one gives18%you the best ...
(alpha).11%12% Your taskisto first make sure that your functions -13%computeCost and gradientDescent already work with14%thisstarter code and support multiple variables.15%16% After that,tryrunning gradient descent with17%different values of alpha and see which one gives18%you the best ...
The gradient descent equation itself is generally the same form; we just have to repeat it for our 'n' features: In other words: The following
Learn Stochastic Gradient Descent, an essential optimization technique for machine learning, with this comprehensive Python guide. Perfect for beginners and experts.
This paper works on prototyping and examining the minimizing cost function's two known algorithms for online predictive, namely gradient descent and normal equations. The data used in this paper are found in Open Data and split into three parts, training, test, and cross validation datasets. ...
nevergrad is a Python 3.8+ library. It can be installed with: pip install nevergrad More installation options, including windows installation, and complete instructions are available in the "Getting started" section of the documentation. You can join Nevergrad users Facebook group here. Minimizing ...