You can use the GPU to run MATLAB® code that supports gpuArray variables or execute CUDA® kernels using CUDAKernel objects. You can use a GPUDevice object to inspect the properties of your GPU device, reset the GPU device, or wait for your GPU to finish executing a computation. To...
which gpuDevice 看一下这个函数所在的路径是否是 MATLAB 官方的。另外考虑是不是版本太老。
I see that MATLAB R2024a "gpuDevice" function is not detecting the GPU device. As mentioned in the Error message, did you try updating the gpu device driver to the latest version. If not, I suggest you upgrade the device drivers to the latest verion.Having the latest gpu device drivers ...
I just installed the Parallel Computing Toolbox and tried to use the gpuArray function (on MATLAB R2021a) but recieved the following error: ThemeCopy Error using gpuArray Unable to find a supported GPU device. For more information on GPU support, see GPU Support by ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 HelloJinghua, I understand that you are facing an error on using the ‘gpuDevice’ function. You could follow the below suggestions which may help resolve the error: Ensure that no other process is using the GPU. Close any other applications that might be using...
matlab 神经网络报错:parallel.gpu.CUDADevice.hBuild 我的神经网络可以正常使用gpu训练, 但是加载训练好的网络使用或者再次训练时会报错,说明我的显卡驱动和cuda是没问题的 有个解决方法是使用NVIDIA控制面板 将NVIDIA高性能处理器设为matlab首选
电脑变卡变慢有很多原因 1、电脑的配置过低,运行过慢建议楼主使用腾讯电脑管家的硬件检测来测评 打开腾讯电脑管家---工具箱---硬件检测,看看显卡、内存是不是应该换了,2、网络的网速过慢,也会卡,可以使用腾讯电脑管家来检测 打开腾讯电脑管家--工具箱--测试网速,检测网络是否正常 3、电脑的垃圾...
MATLAB R2012a doesn't include code for the Kepler series GPUs. This means that the very first time you call any GPU command after upgrading to a Kepler card, be it gpuDevice or something else, MATLAB will wait for the CUDA driver to just-in-time compile all the PTX code that ships ...