CEO's Question: "What exactly has our team already achieved in this area?"Your Answer: "We've published research papers that are gaining attention in the academic community and we've successfully optimized some existing algorithms to work better with real-world data. So, we've already laid t...
Context is king. You can’t expect generative AI — or anything or anyone, for that matter — to provide a meaningful response to a question without it. When you’re using a chatbot to refine a section of your paper for clarity, start by outlining the context. What is your paper about...
CHATGPT DE..最近试了下 Openai 新推出的 Deep Research 功能属实是惊艳到了!两篇文章各思考20多分钟 英文版本输出1.6w words 整整51页的report!中文我让他从各个维度去分析一个
AI fact-checking paper链接:解读涉及事实核查的论文,解释核心观点,总结关键发现。 Academic Paper Creator链接:针对特定格式和写作风格的论文创作和格式设置。
I want you to act as an academicjournal editor. I am going to provide you an abstract of manuscriptand youprovideme with 5 good titlesinEnglish for aresearchpaper and giveexplanation forwhythistitleisgood.ProvideyouroutputasamarkdowntablewithtwocolumnsandwithheadinChinese.Firstcolumngivestitlesin...
to address text summarization using ChatGPT, provided the URL of the research paper is given as input. 2. Methodology The methodology for text summarization is given as a flowchart inFigure 2. The URL of the pdf is given as input. When the download button is pressed, the paper is download...
This research paper is being presented at the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (opens in new tab) (EMNLP 2023), the premier conference on natural language processing and artificial intelligence. Project Project MAIRA In recent years, AI has been increasingly ...
Paper Digest 网址: Research Assistant 快速从学术数据库中搜索相关文献,自动筛选最具价值的论文、研究报告和书籍,帮助用户节省搜索时间。自动归类和组织文献,生成引用和参考文献格式,支持用户在研究报告和论文写作中轻松插入引用,符合不同学术格式的...
1. Find your article, paper, or book to summarize If you need ChatGPT to help summarize an article or research paper, find the body of text online and keep it open in a separate tab. You can also try just giving ChatGPT the book title and author by inputting it into the text box...