(Nature)Three ways ChatGPT helps me in my academic writing 四、中英翻译指令(5个) 五、论文查重指令(1个) 六、参考文献指令(2个) 七、投稿审稿指令(2个) 八、快速读文献指令(6个) 九、其他学术指令(11个) 随着AI技术的发展,AI已经成为学术创作的强大工具。如果你还不知道如何利用AI润色你的论文,那么...
English Prompt:"Act as an academic research expert. Draft a comprehensive research paper outline on [topic]. The outline should be well-structured, starting with a compelling introduction that states the problem or question, the relevance of the topic, and the objectives of the research." 七、...
因此,我们也可以向ChatGPT提供相关文献信息,要求其为论文撰写文献综述。接着,有针对性地对ChatGPT生成的文本进行编辑和修改,确保其全面和准确。 六、解释困难的句子:如果在论文中遇到困难的句子,请将其提供给ChatGPT并要求其用更简单的语...
"Please write a concise, accurate and attractive title for my [research topic]. Requirements: a. The title should summarize the core content or research question of the paper; b. The word count should be within 12-20 words; c. Use a colon or dash to separate the main title and subtitle...
一、ChatPaper论文初筛 ChatPaper,通过ChatGPT实现对论文进行总结,帮助科研人进行论文初筛,可以根据用户输入的关键词,自动在arxiv上下载最新的论文,再利用ChatGPT3.5的API接口强大的总结能力,将论文总结为固定的格式,以最少的文本,最低的阅读门槛,为大家提供最大信息量,以决定该精读哪些文章,也可以提供本地的PDF文档...
SCI论文写作总是让人头疼,但ChatGPT作为智能写作助手,能够帮助研究者解决表达和逻辑难题。本文总结了20条实用指令,帮助你高效完成论文撰写,轻松提升写作质量 一、学术写作身份设定(2个) 1. 预设学术专家身份 提示词: "请你扮演一名具有丰富经验的[具体领域]学术写作专家,审阅我的研究论文草稿,重点改善逻辑流畅性、强...
1. Find your article, paper, or book to summarize If you need ChatGPT to help summarize an article or research paper, find the body of text online and keep it open in a separate tab. You can also try just giving ChatGPT the book title and author by inputting it into the text box...
利用机器学习算法,chatgpt可以用人工智能生成内容,用拟人的语气和人类对话,根据聊天的上下文进行互动,并协助人类完成一系列任务,比如写论文、提出商业建议、创作诗歌,甚至检查程序bug。 chatgpt, a new chatbot model developed by us-base...
Act as an academic research expert. Read and digest the content of the research paper titled [xx]. Produce a concise and clear summary that encapsulates the main findings, methodology, results, and implications of the study. Ensure that the summary is written in a manner that is accessible to...
[段落]Write 3 suggestion about this research.[PARAGRAPHS] 6.处理文档(GPT4) 处理文档(仅在GPT-4中可用) 1.上传一份论文的PDF文件,然后:Upload aPDFfile of a paper then:总结这篇论文并提取关键点。Summarize the paper and extractkey points.