(2)ChatGPT listed as author on research papers: many scientists disapprove (3)Tools such as ChatGPT threaten transparent science; here are our ground rules for their use https://ww...
以下文章整理自美国新闻网站“Daily Beast”的一篇文章“A Doctor Published Several Research Papers With Breakneck Speed. ChatGPT Wrote Them All” Som Biswas是一名放射科医生,当他第一次了解到ChatGPT时,就意识到可以利用这个工具让发文章变得更加容易,“我是一名研究人员,需要发文章,如果ChatGPT可以用来写故事和...
Act as an academic Research Expert. Conduct an extensive search for research papers on the specified [topic]. Ensure the papers are from reputable journals, conferences, or academic institutions. Provide a comprehensive list of the findings, including the title of the paper, authors, publication da...
returnsorted_papers[:top_n] 4、关键步骤:从前20篇论文中提取答案 answers = extract_answers_from_papers(top_papers, research_question) 对应的prompt为: extract_answer_prompt =""" `reset` `no quotes` `no explanations` `no prompt` `no self-reference` ... 第二篇文章题为“Hormone Therapy for Cancer: Treating Hormone-Sensitive Tumors(癌症的激素治疗:治疗激素敏感性肿瘤)”,目前也已被撤稿。被人发现是ChatGPT所写,是因为原文中出...
论文地址: 然而,ChatGPT 的算法是否真的展示了图灵的最初观点,这仍然是个问号。尤其是,当下越来越擅长模仿人类语言的大型语言模型,很容易让人产生它们具有“信念”、能够“推理”的错觉,这会阻碍我们以更可信、更安全的方式部署这些 AI 系统。1图灵...
Also:Study finds AI-generated research papers on Google Scholar - why it matters Now that ChatGPTcan provide sources for the info it surfaces, you can also ask for clarifying background information on a topic. For example, if you're writing about cognition, you can prompt ChatGPT to "Expla...
(2)ChatGPT listed as author on research papers: many scientists disapprove (3)Tools such as ChatGPT threaten transparent science; here are our ground rules for their use ...
【ChatGPT-Paper-Reader:一个简单的界面,可以帮助阅读和总结PDF格式的科研论文,可以在阅读后提出一些问题得到自动解答,基于openai API使用GPT-3.5-turbo模型开发】’ChatGPT-Paper-Reader - a simple interface that helps you to read&summerize research papers in pdf format. You can ask some questions after re...