本文整理自The scholarly kitchen网站发布的一篇博文,原文题目为“The Latest “Crisis” — Is the Research Literature Overrun with ChatGPT- and LLM-generated Articles?”,作者是DAVID CROTTY。 2024年3月,Elsevier旗下期刊发表了一篇明显由ChatGPT撰写的论文。为何知道是AI写的呢?因为该论文引言的第一句话是:“...
In the compelling and unstoppable research in favor of cellular rejuvenation, Sentcell LTD is looking for Master/PhD student or Junior Postdoc (the... Toscana Life Sciences, within the GSK Campus, Siena (Italy) Sentcell LTD Postdoctoral Scholar - Pharmaceutical Sciences Memphis, Tennessee The Univ...
(2)ChatGPT listed as author on research papers: many scientists disapprove (3)Tools such as ChatGPT threaten transparent science; here are our ground rules for their use 本文为编译。
近日,Journal of Medical Internet Research 期刊发表了一篇题为:Artificial Intelligence Can Generate Fraudulent but Authentic-Looking Scientific Medical Articles: Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened (人工智能可以生成欺骗性但看起来真实的科学医学论文:潘多拉魔盒已被打开)的论文 【3】。这篇论文显示,ChatGPT等...
伦敦英国研究诚信办公室(UK Research Integrity Office)的主任马特·霍奇金森(Matt Hodgkinson)说,现在他们已经有了明确的作者准则,意味着ChatGPT不应该被视为合著者。他说,合著者需要对文章做出“重大的学术贡献”。如果ChatGPT等工具能够实现,那么它也必须对研究承担责任——或者,至少是它贡献的部分。SCI论文写作... 第二篇文章题为“Hormone Therapy for Cancer: Treating Hormone-Sensitive Tumors(癌症的激素治疗:治疗激素敏感性肿瘤)”,目前也已被撤稿。被人发现是ChatGPT所写,是因为原文中出...
Sometimes it can be hard to get all your reading done, especially withADHD diagnoses on the rise. If you're tasked with a school or work project and you're pressed for time (or focus),artificial intelligence(AI)chatbotslikeChatGPTcan help summarize long articles, research papers, and books...
“First, no LLM tool will be accepted as a credited author on a research paper. That is because any attribution of authorship carries with it accountability for the work, and AI tools cannot take such responsibility. Second, researchers using LLM tools should document this use in the methods ...
相比于其他领域,博士后使用ChatGPT的比例是否超过了平均水平?调查认为很难判断得出结论。根据普尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)在今年7月进行的一项调查,美国有24%的人称自己听说也使用过ChatGPT,而在接受过大学教育的人群中,这一比例上升至接近三分之一。此外,今年4月对瑞典大学生进行的一项调查发现,5894名受...