Hi Community, It is the fifth post I write on this subject (DMA/SPI/GPIO trigger) and I didn't yet succeeded to close my issue. I have an
Part Number: AM6442 Hi, My customer wants to send data to GPMC by DMA with GPIO trigger. Here is usecase. - Data sent from an internal memory(source) to GPMC(destination
I tryed it but it seems it goes too slow to catch which one is trigger first on the rotary encoder :( I put this to try to get it : `#define ENCODER_A_PIN 0 #define ENCODER_B_PIN 1 #define ENCODER_S_PIN 2 uint64_t gpioWakeUp = esp_sleep_get_gpio_wakeup_status(); pinMode...
We need to trigger the GPIO event once to update the internal ACPI state. Coincidentally, this also enables the Surface 2 integrated HID sensor hub which also requires an ACPI gpio operation region to start initialization. 2) Various Bay Trail based tablets come with an external USB mux and ...
> Having CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGER_GPIO enabled by default is causing below warning > during build: > > WARNING: linux-intel-6.4.0+gitAUTOINC+de40822021_9bcda79692-r0 > do_kernel_configcheck: [kernel config]: specified values did not make it into ...
当时的驱动文件这样写的request_irq(gpio_keys_100ask[i].irq, gpio_key_isr, IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING | IRQF_TRIGGER_HIGH, "100ask_gpio_key", &gpio_keys_100
How to trigger ADC by GPIO through CTU? I have no idea about what to do (i.e what to configure ) in SIUL module for GPIO - ADC triggering through CTU? Can anybody guide me for this case? Regards, Arthi Venkatasubramanian Tags: ctu gpio-adc triggering mpc5643l mpc5xxx 0...
我用的是EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_Trigger = EXTI_Trigger_Rising_Falling ;输入方式是这种方式GPIO_...
petalinux kernel driver AXI GPIO not getting interrupt triggers, but UIO driver working in ZC706Please share the info on how to configure device tree and custom kernel driver for handling multiple AXI GPIOs interrupts.
Support GPIO opto-isolated external trigger, External trigger delay setting does not affect the acquisition frame rate; Provide completed API SDK for users' secondary development, support VC, VB and C# development language; Driver support Windows 32&...