In the "Component Inspector" (pin_mux:PinSettings) i'm able to set the GPIO's Input/Output (SIUL2 Mask) The Pin component (pin_mux:PinSettings) is offering me some functions which i can drag'n drop into my code.Now i want to set a GPIO resistor pull-down or no-p...
direction $ cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio336/value 0 Before the GPIO direction is changed from an input to an output, exar_set_value() is called with value = 1, but since the GPIO is an input when exar_set_value() is called, _regmap_update_bits() reads a 1 due to an external pull...
In the "Component Inspector" (pin_mux:PinSettings) i'm able to set the GPIO's Input/Output (SIUL2 Mask) The Pin component (pin_mux:PinSettings) is offering me some functions which i can drag'n drop into my code.Now i want to set a GPIO resistor pull-down or no-pull, active ...