GPIO口的internal pull-up问题 shizhong, 在上电复位时,默认除带ePWM功能的GPIO引脚外,其他的GPIO的上拉都是复位使能的,当然,可以在后续的软件中禁止它。这个内部上拉使能一方面会增强IO脚的驱动能力,一方面可以提供一个固定的状态给GPIO脚。 至于什么情况需要拉高,你可以把它想象成类似一个外部上拉电...
gpio_set_pull_mode()'s purpose is to call the pullup/pulldown en/dis calls for you so no need to call gpio_pullup_en yourself... Code:Select all switch(pull) {caseGPIO_PULLUP_ONLY: gpio_pulldown_dis(gpio_num); gpio_pullup_en(gpio_num);break;caseGPIO_PULLDOWN_ONLY: gpio_pull...
首先,确定GPIO口的输入和输出,进而, 当GPIO处于output模式,一般选择no pull,引脚能够正确地输出目标值; 当GPIO处于input模式,需要根据默认的输入值来确定配置模式,如果默认输入的值为1时,最好配置为pull up,否则,最好配置为pull down; 当按照上面的规则进行配置之后,则能够避免外部电路没有上拉、下拉电阻时出现的...
把GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL注释掉,反而没事。这是为什么呢?// if(mode==0x0) // { // GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;//如果加上这句,会保留上次的状态。如果不加反而没事。 // } if(mode==0x6) { GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP; mode=0; } if(mode==0x7) { ...
下面是实现 “cd-gpios = <&pio PF 6 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PULL_UP)>;” 的步骤和每一步需要做的事情。我们将使用Device Tree来实现这个功能。Device Tree是一种描述硬件设备和资源的数据结构,它允许操作系统在运行时自动配置设备。 接下来,我将详细介绍每一步需要做的事情,并提供相应的代码和注释。
I am interfacing an Open Drain output (Si7210-B-01-IV Hall Sensor) to a GPIO of Giant Gecko MCU. Unfortunately I cannot use the internal 40k pull-up of the Gecko since this would draw to much battery (82,5µA) But what is the ...
to a gpio_config_t variable, specifically stating that I want a PULLUP on an Output pin, AND AND, having an external pull up resistor 1K (for good measure in case the pin does not have a pull-up), when the call is made to the gpio_config(&io_conf) the pin goes immediately LOW...
I have read chapter 24 from technical reference manual LS1043 ARDB, where I can not found any register to configure internal pull-up /pull-down for GPIO. So Just wanted to confirm that there is no option available to set internal pull-up/pull-down when we configure pin as GPIO. Request...
$ cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio336/value 0 Before the GPIO direction is changed from an input to an output, exar_set_value() is called with value = 1, but since the GPIO is an input when exar_set_value() is called, _regmap_update_bits() reads a 1 due to an external pull-up. reg...
Work around the GPIO pullup/pulldown SoC bug Some GPIO pins need to have their pullups/pulldowns set in the RTC peripheral instead of in the GPIO peripheral because of a silicon bug. This merge: - Declares PIN_PULLUP_EN and friends as deprecated; they can't really be changed to work...