1. i.MX8 ADC_IN0 pin can't config to GPIO function, here is my dts pin config: SC_P_ADC_IN0_LSIO_GPIO3_IO18 0x1E000000 2. when as output function, pin value always 0; 3. when as input function, gpio value always 0 no matter what level at the pin connected...
This PWM-wrapper library enables you to use Hardware-PWM blocks on RP2040-based boards to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. These purely hardware-based PWM channels can generate from very low (lowest is 7.5Hz * (F_CPU/125)) to very high PWM frequencies (in the MHz range, up to (...
This PWM-wrapper library enables you to use Hardware-PWM blocks on RP2040-based boards to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. These purely hardware-based PWM channels can generate from very low (lowest is 7.5Hz * (F_CPU/125)) to very high PWM frequencies (in the MHz range, up to (...