gpio_major= register_chrdev(0,"tfirq", &tf_fops);//注册一个字符设备gpio_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE,"tfirq");//创建一个类device_create(gpio_class, NULL, MKDEV(gpio_major,0), NULL,"tfirq");//在类下面创建一个设备if(gpio_request(gpio_pin,"gpio_irq_test") <0){ printk("req...
gpio_keys_gpio_isr:设备树中的用gpios来描述用到的引脚 gpio_keys_irq_isr:设备树中的用interrupts来描述用到的引脚 3.2 gpio_keys_gpio_isr分析 理想状况是:按下、松开按键,各产生一次中断,也只产生一次中断。 但是对于机械开关,它的金属弹片会反复震动。GPIO电平会反复变化,最后才稳定。一般是几十毫秒才会稳定。
硬件参考:TB6600的GPIO控制. 该驱动器的接线核心和DRV8825实际上是一样的,主要有三个信号:使能端口、脉冲信号输入、方向控制。不同的是TB6612内部需要差异信号,因此需要涉及共阴或共阳的接线。一般来说,我个人建议使用共阳的接线方法,并将所有信号阳极接收到3.3V电源正极,信号负极一对一接收单片机控制引脚。因为32的...
Development version of the Upstream MultiPath TCP Linux kernel 🐧 - gpio: lp3943: remove unneeded platform_set_drvdata() call · multipath-tcp/mptcp_net-next@c518e7d
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions 3 drivers/gpio/gpio-74x164.c Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ static int gen_74x164_probe(struct spi_device *spi) return ret;exit_destroy: spi_set_drvdata(spi, NULL);... 器件型号:AM4378 各位专家: 在USB_DRVVBUS 被设置为 GPIO 后、它会关闭和打开总线。 如果用作 USB 主机、不使用 USB_DRVVBUS 没问题吗?
对于每一个GPIO按键,都是一个子节点,有这些属性: gpios:使用哪个GPIO interrupts:对应的中断 linux,code:对应的按键值 注意:gpios和interrupts至少要保留一个,不能都省略 debounce-interval: 消除抖动的间隔,单位:ms,默认是5ms 2.2 100ASK_IMX6ULL 代码语言:javascript ...
This function call was found to be unnecessary as there is no equivalent platform_get_drvdata() call to access the private data of the driver. Also, the private data is defined in this driver, so there is no risk of it being accessed outside of this driver file. Reviewed-by: Alexandru...
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion 1 drivers/gpio/gpio-palmas.c Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ static int palmas_gpio_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) return ret; } platform_set_drvdata(pdev, palmas_gpio); return ret; } 0 comment...
The platform_set_drvdata() was needed when the driver had an explicit remove function. That function got removed a while back, so we don't need to keep a pointer (on 'dev->driver_data') for the private data of the driver anymore. Signed-off-by: Alexandru Ardelean <