Venneker GT,Das PK,Meinardi MM,et al.Glycosylphosphati dylinositol(GPI)-anchored membrane proteins are constitutively down-regulated in psoriatic skin. Journal of Paleopathology . 1994Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored membrane proteins are constitutively down-regulated in psoriatic skin. Venneker...
It then turns to the mechanisms underlying signal transduction by GPI-anchored membrane proteins, the LY-6 superfamily of GPI-anchored molecules, and glycosylated-phosphatidylinositols as virulence factors in Leishmania. The reader is also introduced to the molecular biology of GPI-anchored border ...
The plasma membrane domain to which the GPI-anchored protein localizes also depends on the cell type; for example, in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, GPI-anchored proteins are present mainly on the apical surface. On the contrary, in Fisher rat thyroid cells, they are sorted to ...
It was envisaged that if glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-specific PLC was activated in the membrane of psoriatic epidermal cells, it would render these cells devoid of those proteins which are anchored to the cell membrane through their GPI moiety. In order to test this possibility, four GPI ...
How GPI-anchored proteins turnover: or where do they go after arrival at the plasma membrane. Semin Immunol, 6, 81-8.P. Censullo, M.A. Davitz, How GPI-anchored proteins turnover: or where do they go after arrival at the plasma membrane, Semin. Immunol. 6 (1994) 81-88....
It was found that a deficiency of GPI-anchored membrane proteins in PNH cells is due to the faulty synthesis of the GPI-anchor which may occur during early synthesis. Moreover, it is suggested that an abnormality of the PIG-A (phosphatidylinositol glycan-class A) gene, which is related to...
There is some discussion as to whether glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol(GPI)-anchored proteins occur in microdomains in the cell membrane. These putative microdomains have been implicated in processes such as sorting in polarized cells and signal transduction. Complexes enriched in GPI-anchored proteins, ...
关 键词:GPI锚定蛋白细胞膜修饰功能;细胞表面工程技术;综述中图分类号:R3415 GPI-anchoredproteinfunctionofthecellmembranemodificationresearchprogressXu Jian1MouYiping21.SchoolofLifeSciencesZhejiangChineseMedicalUniversity2. SirRunRunShawHospital20Abstract:GPI-anchoredproteinsGPI-anchoredprotein GPI-APisaclassthrough...
中文名称:GPI锚定分子样蛋白(GML)重组蛋白英文名称:Recombinant Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Anchored Molecule Like Protein (GML) 保存条件:避免反复冻融。2-8°C不超过一个月,-80°C不超过12个月纯度规格:> 95% 产品类别:重组蛋白 货号::BES22261RP ...
【关键词】脂肪酸;内质网;高尔基体;糖基转移酶 中图分类号:Q591.2 文献标识码:A GPI—anchoredProteins’BiosynthesisandFunctions ZHANGYun—hua,HUANGJin (KeyLaboratoryofMinistryofEducationforXinjiangEndemicandEthnicDisease,DepartmentofBiochemistry, ShiheziUniversity,XinjiangShihezi,832002) 【Abstract】Morethan100mammali...