Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored membrane proteins are constitutively down-regulated in psoriatic skin. Venneker G T,Das P K,Meinardi M M,van Marle J,van Veen H A,Bos J D,Asghar S S. The Journal of pathology . 1994Venneker GT, Das PK, Meinardi MM et al. (1994) Glyco- ...
The plasma membrane domain to which the GPI-anchored protein localizes also depends on the cell type; for example, in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, GPI-anchored proteins are present mainly on the apical surface. On the contrary, in Fisher rat thyroid cells, they are sorted to ...
It was envisaged that if glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-specific PLC was activated in the membrane of psoriatic epidermal cells, it would render these cells devoid of those proteins which are anchored to the cell membrane through their GPI moiety. In order to test this possibility, four GPI ...
It was envisaged that if glycosylphosphatidyl-inositol (GPI)-specific PLC was activated in the membrane of psoriatic epidermal cells, it would render these cells devoid of those proteins which are anchored to the cell membrane through their GPI moiety. In order to test this possibility, four GPI...
It was found that a deficiency of GPI-anchored membrane proteins in PNH cells is due to the faulty synthesis of the GPI-anchor which may occur during early synthesis. Moreover, it is suggested that an abnormality of the PIG-A (phosphatidylinositol glycan-class A) gene, which is related to...
GPI-anchored proteins are found in very small microdomains at the plasma membrane. They can be internalized from the cell surface by a clathrin and dynamin-independent pinocytic pathway into specialized endosomes by a process that depends on a Rho-family GTPase. ...
tion,programmedcelldeathandSOon.Theyhaveconnectionwithmanydiseases.GPI—anchoredproteinsaremainlyassociat— edwithmembranemicrodomainsormembraneraftenrichedinsphingolipidsandcholestero1.Itisthoughtthatassociation withmembraneraftsisimportantforGPI-APsinsignaltransductionandotherfunctions.Here,wereviewrecentprogressin ...
临床医学论文:GPI锚定蛋白的细胞膜修饰功能研究新进展 GPI-anchored protein function of the cell membrane modification research progress 热度: 含GPI锚定区的膜表面蛋白 热度: 流式细胞术检测GPI锚定蛋白在PNH患者诊断 热度: 相关推荐 6JournalofLipidResearchVolume57,2016 Copyright©2016bytheAmerican...
Human cells express four Sec24 isoforms, termed Sec24A, Sec24B, Sec24C and Sec24D that are differentially required for selective, signal-mediated ER export of transmembrane proteins. By contrast, luminally exposed glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored membrane proteins cannot bind directly to ...
association with Caspr-familymolecules at paranodes and juxtaparanodes, respectively. How membrane proteins can be confinedin these neighbouring domains along the axon has been the subject of intense investigations. Thisreview will specifically examine the properties conferred by the lipid microenvironment ...