Insider control is a serious problem in non-profit organization in China. The key to solve this problem is to construct a standard and efficient governance structure. This article analyzes the main forms of expression of insider control, governance structure failure of non-profit organization and th...
Non Profit Structure and Operations Even though more than 20% of the workforce currently holds a job in the nonprofit sector, many people still don’t know very much about what is a nonprofit. But a nonprofit is just a type of corporation or organization, whose purpose is charitable, rather...
2011. The Governance of Non-Profit Micro Finance Institutions: Lessons From History, Journal of Management and Governance. 15(3), 327-348.Mersland, R. and Strom R. O. (2009b). What Explains Governance Structure in Non-profit and for Profit Microfinance Institutions? First European research ...
with no secondary distribution for profit. The characteristic of being independent from governments and other interest groups grants these organizations a high degree of freedom to express their viewpoints and advocacies. The non-profit natu...
Blair (1995)argues that corporate governance has to do with the structure and functioning of boards of directors.Donaldson (1990)states that corporate governance is the structure under which the highest level of management within an organization is controlled by the board of directors, associated str...
Structure Toyobo is a company with Board of Corporate Auditors and, under this governance system, has adopted the executive officer system. In the executive officer system, which is defined in our Articles of Incorporation, the Board of Directors oversees the business execution of executive officer...
However, due to the hybrid nature of social enterprises, in which both a social mission (similar to non-profit organizations) and a financial mission (similar to for profit organizations) co-exist, an ad hoc governance structure applies, which reflects their... ...
The idea here is to view SSE non-profits’ sustainable governance in the broadest sense of the term, embodied in a governance structure incorporating a project’s seminal goals, principles of ownership, allocation of benefits, decision-making processes and responsible team management regimes, while ...
+44-207-325-0492, +44-207-325-1110 or +44-207-325-7270 Asia Pacific:852 2800 8780 By You may report your concerns anonymously, if you wish. For complaints that are not anonymous, we will respect the confidentiality of those who raise...
Therefore, the two governance structures, government-led and village collective self-organization, have both advantages and disadvantages (Table 1). In the case that the government has sufficient financial funds and needs to optimize the spatial structure of urban and rural areas on a large scale,...