ГОСТ 6356-75 Petroleum products. Method of test for flash point boy closed cup Нефтепродукты. Методопределениятемпературывспышкивзакрытомтигле Status:Effective - Supersedes. The limitation of the effectiveness perio...
GOST 6356-75: Petroleum products. Method of test for flash point boy closed cup GOST 6709-72: Distilled water. Specifications GOST 9410-78: Petroleum xylol. Specifications GOST 9980.1-86: Paint materials. Rules of acceptance GOST 9980.2-86: Paint materials. Test sampling ...
GOST 6356-75: Petroleum products. Method of test for flash point boy closed cupAs a Replacement Of:M.I. 12v-35: Petroleum products. Test methods. Flash point determination in the Martens-Pensky apparatusOST VKS 7872: Petroleum products. Test methods. The method for determining the color of ...
GOST 6356-75: Petroleum products. Method of test for flash point boy closed cupGOST 6793-74: Petroleum products. Method of drop point determinationGOST 6948-81: Foaming agent PО-1SpecificationsGOST 6997-77: Compositions for filling cable joints. Specifications...
GOST 6356-75: Petroleum products. Method of test for flash point boy closed cup GOST 6713-91: Low-alloyed structural rolled stock for bridge building. Specifications GOST 6996-66: Welded joints. Methods of mechanical properties determination ...