GOST 6357-81: Basic norms of interchangeability pipe cylindrical thread GOST 6527-68: Female ends with pipe cylindrical thread. Dimensions GOST 8908-81: Basic norms of interchangeability. Standard angles and angle tolerances GOST 9.014-78: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Temporary ...
GOST 6357-81: Basic norms of interchangeability pipe cylindrical thread GOST 7796-70: Hexagon reduced head bolts product grade B. Construction and dimensions GOST 7798-70: Hexagon bolts, product grade B. construction and dimensions GOST 839-80: Uninsulated cables for aerial power ...
本标准适用于根据 GOST 6357-81 监测圆柱管螺纹的螺纹和光滑量规,并建立Настоящийстандартраспространяетсянарезьбовыеигладкиекалибрыдляконтролятрубнойцилиндриче
GOST 24939-1981圆柱形螺纹用量规.种类 GOST 6357-1981互换性的基本规范.管道柱形螺纹 GOST 2533-1988的历代版本如下: 1988年GOST 2533-1988直管螺纹的量规.公差 0000年GOST 2533-1979 本标准适用于根据 GOST 6357-81 监测圆柱管螺纹的螺纹和光滑量规,并建立 部分标准提供预览和封面图,这些内容由系统根据一般约定生...
20.57.406-81 ГОСТ 166 ГОСТ 380 ГОСТ 397 ГОСТ 427 ГОСТ 535 ГОСТ 868 ГОСТ 1232 ГОСТ 1759.0 ГОСТ 2712 ГОСТ 2789 ГОСТ 3242-79 ГОСТ 3749 ГОСТ 5915 ГОСТ 6357 ГОСТ 7502 ГОСТ 7798 ГОСТ 8240 ГОСТ 848...
GOST 6357-81: Basic norms of interchangeability pipe cylindrical threadGOST 7338-90: Rubber and rubber-fabric sheets. SpecificationsGOST 7499-71: Fire standpipe SpecificationsGOST 7502-98: Measuring metal tapes. SpecificationsGOST 8220-62: Underground fire hydrants...
GOST 6357-81: Basic norms of interchangeability pipe cylindrical threadGOST 7293-85: Cast iron with globular graphite for foundryGOST 8617-81: Pressed sections out of aluminium and aluminium alloys. SpecificationsGOST 8690-94: Cast iron heating radiators. Specifications...
俄罗斯标准局 当前最新 GOST 17039-1971 引用标准 GOST 16925-1971 GOST 19090-1973 GOST 24705-1981 GOST 6357-1981 GOST 7250-1960 适用范围 本标准适用于用于切削符合 GOST 24705-81 的公制螺纹、符合 OST NKTP 1260 的英制螺纹和 购买 正式版专题合金丝锥执行 丙纶丝执行 GOST 17039-1971相似标准JB...