GOST 18175-1972 适用范围 本标准适用于压力加工的无锡青铜,用于制造工件和地板。 购买 正式版 其他标准 GOST 9.306-1985 腐蚀和老化联合防护系统.金属和非金属无机涂层.符号ISO 2081:2018 金属和其它无机镀层.对铁或钢进行辅助处理的锌电镀层 GOST 18175-1978相似标准 ...
GOST /M1铜 18175-1978铜材 俄罗斯青铜 紫铜 纯铜 GOST碳钢 GOST不锈钢 GOST铜 GOST 卓仁金属 GOST /M1铜 18175-1978铜材 俄罗斯青铜 紫铜 纯铜 GOST碳钢 GOST不锈钢 GOST铜 GOST 卓仁金属 GOST /M1铜 18175-1978铜材 俄罗斯青铜 紫铜 纯铜 GOST碳钢 GOST不锈钢 GOST铜 GOST 卓仁金属 GOST /M1铜 18175-1978铜...
GOST 18175-78: Tin-free pressure-worked bronzes. Grades GOST 20072-74: Heat-resistant steel GOST 24705-2004: Вasic norms of interchangeability. Metric screw thread. Basic dimensions GOST 24705-81: Basic norms of interchangeability. Metric screw thread. Basic dimensions ...
GOST 9.306-1985由俄罗斯标准局 RU-GOST 发布于 1985,并于 1987-01-01 实施。 GOST 9.306-1985 腐蚀和老化联合防护系统.金属和非金属无机涂层.符号的最新版本是哪一版? 最新版本是GOST 9.306-1985。 GOST 9.306-1985 发布之时,引用了标准 GOST 21930-1976 GOST 9.032-1974腐蚀和老化联合防护系统.亮漆和油漆涂...
GOST 18175-78: Tin-free pressure-worked bronzes. Grades GOST 19241-80: Wrought nickel and low-alloy nickel. Grades GOST 19281-89: Rolled steel with increased strength. General specifications GOST 19807-91: Wrought titanium and titanium alloys. Grades ...
ThestandardcomplieswithCMEASTANDARD14475andCMEASTANDARD17775regardingthemaxi mumdeviationsofdimensionsandwithCMEASTANDAR 18175andCMEASTANDARD18275regardingthe basicdimensions,diameters,andpitchesofmetricthreads. 1. Design and basic dimensions 1.1.Types,design,andbasicdimensionsofboltsshallcomplywithonesshownintable1...
with GOST 18175-78 or from other nonferrous alloys is allowed. (Amended Wording, Amendment No. 3). 2.2. The mass of steel washers and design elastic force of washers made from steel of grade 65Г are specified in the reference appendix. 2.3. Steel spring washers shall have hardness ...
《GOST-6402-1972-E1989-ENG.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《GOST-6402-1972-E1989-ENG.pdf(10页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 6402-70 1 udc 621.882.449:006.354 group 36 ussr state standard spring washers specifications okp (all-union product classification code) 128600 gost 6402-70* (...
本标准建立了根据 GOST 18175-78 p 测定 BrAZh 9-4 级青铜中铝的 X 射线光谱荧光测定方法。 购买 正式版 专题 荧光 铝x光谱仪金含量 GOST 20068.4-1988相似标准 DB34/T 2980-2017铝及铝合金 铬、铅、锡含量的测定波长色散X射线荧光光谱法SN/T 3604-2013 锌精矿中铜、硅、镁、锌、铝、铁含量的测定X射线...
适用范围 本标准适用于由有色金属和合金的废料和废料制成的铸锭青铜,用于 购买 正式版 专题 锡块铜含量要求 GOST 614-1997相似标准 GOST 614-1973锡青铜块牌号及技术要求GB/T 38470-2023 再生铜合金原料GOST 5017-1974 压力加工用锡青铜牌号GOST 5017-2006 压力加工用锡青铜.牌号GOST 18175-1978 压力加工用无锡...