GOST 1585-85: Bearing cast iron for molding GOST 16118-70: Cylindrical helical compression (extension) springs made of round steel. Specifications GOST 1628-78: Bronze rods. Specifications GOST 16523-97: Rolled sheets from quality and ordinary carbon steel for general purposes. Specifications ...
GOST 1585-85: Bearing cast iron for molding GOST 15878-79: Resistance welding. Welded joints. Design elements and dimensions GOST 18099-78: Enamels ML-152. Specifications GOST 19024-79: Enamels AC-182. Specifications GOST 19459-87: Injection moulding polyamide copolymers. Specifications ...
工业用幅面尺寸的纸张的包装和标志 GOST 1640-1972 Д37E型发动机用ФM3×0.3型多喷孔喷雾头油嘴检定产品的质量要求 GOST 1633-1973 罐头食品 醋渍蔬菜 技术条件 GOST 1625-1975 工业福尔马林 GOST 1608-1978 船用白炽灯泡技术条件 GOST 1585-1929 抗磨铸铁件通用技术条件 GOST 1581-1978 波特兰油井水泥技术条件 ...
394-gost:$gost$3513e42b0edf617f14d92c2edde31585a3148a6dcbce81316efa3b04195f7d5d:0:0:100:asdfasfga__4: 395-gost:$gost$a9aba5934eff824c1c09d5fd6f8864c4066ddf9cf967c54e70a823aeef3b9fb8:0:0:100:flasjkdfw__4: 396-gost:$gost$065c2e81a2d4723858b9e56ebf92be8f49b388aa6ee593c58...
GOST俄罗斯认证标准目录讲解.pdf,GOST俄罗斯标准目录 GOST 6999-1968现金出纳机纸 GOST 6981-1975工业硫酸亚铁(绿矾) GOST 6979-1954象棋表 GOST 6967-1970自动制钉机精度标准 GOST 6956-1954管螺纹矫板及板牙 GOST 6943.13-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料 -硬挺度的测试方法 GOST
GOST 1585-85: Bearing cast iron for moldingGOST 16523-89: Rolled sheets from carbon quality and ordinary steel for general purposesGOST 16523-97: Rolled sheets from quality and ordinary carbon steel for general purposes. SpecificationsGOST 1668-73: Steel zinc-coated wire for aerial lines...
MU 1585-77: Guidelines for the determination of cyclohexylamine methanitrobenzoate (inhibitor C-2) by thin layer chromatography in airMU 1586-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of allyl chloride in the airMU 1587-77: Guidelines for the photometric determination of ortho and para-...