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GOST 16350-80: Climate of the USSR. Regionalizing and statistical parameters of climatic factors for technical purposesGOST 24482-80: MacroclimaticGOST 25870-83: Macroclimatic regions of the world with cold and temperate climateGOST 4401-81: Standard atmosphere. Parameters...
(GOST) 1759.4-87 5.4 SS (GOST) 5915-70 3.1.1 SS (GOST) 8017-74 6.6 SS (GOST) 10605-72 3.1.1 SS (GOST) 16350-80 Introduction; 2.2 SS (GOST) 17769-83 4.5 SS (GOST) 19281-89 2.2 SS (GOST) 19537-83 6.6 SS (GOST) 24379.1-80 2.1; 3.1; 4.1; 4.3; 4.4; 4.6 SS (GOST) ...
gost 16350 80 and gost 25870 83 for some regions 7 n o t e the designations is the air temperature is the relative air humidity are the annual mean values are the effective values 10 amendment no 4 to gost 15150 69 cont dependence of reduced duration of moisture protection from effective...
GOST 16350-80: Climate of the USSR. Regionalizing and statistical parameters of climatic factors for technical purposes GOST 16523-97: Rolled sheets from quality and ordinary carbon steel for general purposes. Specifications GOST 166-89: Vernier callipers. Specifications ...
GOST 16350-80: Climate of the USSR. Regionalizing and statistical parameters of climatic factors for technical purposes GOST 16600-72: Speech transmission over the radio communication. Requirements for speech legibility and methods of articulation measurements ...