GOST 14918-80: Continuously galvanized sheet steel. Technical conditions. GOST 1577-81: Rolled sheets and wide strips of structural quality steel. Specifications GOST 1577-93: Plate and broadband roll stock of construction fine steel. GOST 1628-78: Bronze rods. Specifications ...
是 一种钢材的国家标准
GOST 14918-80: Continuously galvanized sheet steel. Technical conditions. GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence ...
用于一般用途的优质和普通碳素钢薄板轧材GOST 16523-97.技术条件:冷锻用低碳钢冷轧薄板 GOST 9045-93.技术条件连续生产线镀锌薄钢板 GOST 14918-80.技术条件 技术条件高强度轧钢 GOST 19281-89.技术条件 技术条件锅炉和压力容器用碳素低合金和合金薄钢板 GOST 5520-79.技术条件 技术条件造船用轧钢 GOST 5521-93。...
镀锌板 GOST 14918-80 0,5-1,0 mm 钢板条 钢带 GOST 103-76 4x16-10x100 钢筋AI, AIII (A-500C) GOST 5781-82 (35GS, 25G2S),STO ASChM 7-93, TU 14-1-5254-94 Ø 6,0-40 mm 钢丝BP-1 GOST 6727-80 Ø 3-5 mm 圆钢GOST 2590-88, 535-88;GOST 2590-88, 1050-88 ;GOST 259...
GOST14918-80 0,5-1,0 mm 鋼板条鋼帯GOST 103-76 4x16-10x100 AIll (A-500C) GOST 5781-82 (35GS, 25G2S),STO ASChM7-93, TU 14-1-5254-94 ? 6,0-40 mm F4Z BP-1 GOST 6727-80 ? 3-5 mm f GOST 2590-88, 535 -88; GOST 2590-88, 1050-88 ; GOST2590-88, 4543-71; GOST...
iÈfFtX GOST 14918-80 0,5-1,0 mm 鋼板条鋼帯GOST 103-76 4x16-10x100 €Ÿã5 Al, AIll (A-500C) GOST 5781-82 (35GS, 25G2S),STO ASChM7-93, TU14-1-5254-94 Ø 6,0-40 mm F4Z BP-1 GOST 6727-80 Ø 3-5 mm f GOST 2590-88, 535 -88; GOST 2590-88, 1050-88 ...
GOST 14918-80 0,5-1,0 mm 冲切拉伸板 本公司生产 406,408,410,506,508,510,606,608,610 钢板条,钢带 GOST 103-76 4x16-10x100 形钢材 钢筋AI,AIII (A-500C) GOST 5781-82(35GS,25G2S), STO ASChM 7-93,TU ?6,0-40 mm 钢丝BP-1 ...
镀锌板GOST 14918-80 0,5-1,0 mm 钢板条钢带GOST 103-76 4x16-10x100 钢筋AI,AIII(A-500C)GOST 5781-82(35GS,25G2S),STO ASChM 7-93,TU 14-1-5254-94Ø6,0-40 mm 钢丝BP-1 GOST 6727-80Ø3-5 mm 圆钢GOST 2590-88,535-88;GOST 2590-88,1050-88;GOST 2590-88,4543-71;GOST 2590...
GOST 14918-80: Continuously galvanized sheet steel. Technical conditions. GOST 14923-78: Enamels ПФ-223. Specifications GOST 15081-78: Silico-organic thermostable varnish KO-08. Specifications GOST 15140-78: Paintwork materials. Methods for determination of adhesion ...