The UPDATE folder will appear next to the original file you downloaded. Look in the devices section on the left. Your microSD card will be listed here as “No Name” (unless you renamed it). Drag the update file to your microSD card. Be sure to drag the UPDATE folder and...
The UPDATE folder will appear next to the original file you downloaded. Look in the devices section on the left. Your microSD card will be listed here as “No Name” (unless you renamed it). Drag the update file to your microSD card. Be sure to drag the UPDATE folder and...
Verwende eine Markenspeicherkarte, die GoPro Akku (HERO10 Black) verwendest. folgende Anforderungen erfüllt: • microSD, microSDHC oder microSDXC PROFITIPP: Es gibt eine einfache Möglichkeit, den Akkustatus zu überprüfen und sicherzustellen, dass du den richtigen Akku • Nenn...
Use a brand-name card that fits these requirements: Battery (HERO10 Black) with your new GoPro. • microSD, microSDHC™, or microSDXC™ PRO TIP: There’s an easy way to check your battery’s status and make • Rated Class V30, UHS-3, or higher sure you’re using the right...
GoPro HERO3+ Silver 快速使用指南说明书 Download the User Manual at
The GoPro HERO 9 is only available in black, and you can see our unit's label here. Let us know if you come across another variant, and we'll update our review. Compared To Other Cameras The GoPro HERO 9 Black is a very capable action camera. While it doesn't have as many frame...
以防止特定条件下的过饱和 修复 1080p240 视频于特定条件下在 iOS 和 macOS 设备上回放过程中的视觉效果缺陷 可用性提升 缩短媒体文件加载至摄像机和 GoPro 应用所需的时间 Quikcapture 可应用自动低光 分享108 gopro吧 Erin向光而行 怎么修改gopro的名称啊 第一次开机设置...
I put the last Gopro Hero 7 White Firmare update by following the Guide ( ) Since : I was able to : take a 25 min video in Slo-mon before the Gopro restart (Before less than 1min). The Gopro was hot and start to be instabl...
GoProApp或GoPro软件,或者访问gopro/update。 相机默认设置 HERO3+银色款相机在开机时将默认为以下设置: 视频分辨率960p60ps 照片分辨率10MP(百万像素) 连拍照片1秒10张照片 定时拍摄0.5秒 无线网络关闭 如需更改您的视频或照片设置,请参见相机设置。
用户手册 目录 目录 您的 HERO5 Session 4 重要信息 56 入门 5 重置摄像机 58 快捷拍摄 9 安装摄像机 59 摄像机图标 10 卸下侧盖 64 更改模式 + 设置 13 维护 65 拍摄视频 14 电池 66 拍摄照片 16 故障排除 68 拍摄延时拍摄内容 18 客户支持 70 利用声音控制 GoPro 19 商标 70 回放精彩内容 22 法...