Use a brand-name card that fits these requirements: Battery (HERO10 Black) with your new GoPro. • microSD, microSDHC™, or microSDXC™ PRO TIP: There’s an easy way to check your battery’s status and make • Rated Class V30, UHS-3, or higher sure you’re using the right...
吕口户『吕 BeaHERO. 用于村加 Todownloadthis usermanualin adifferentlanguage, visit y/support. Pourtelechargerce manueldelutilisateur dans une autre langue, rendez-vous sur gopro.cormysupport Wenn Sie dieses Benutzerhandbuch in einer anderen Sprache herunterladen machten, besuchen Sie /support. Per...
在您的 HERO+ LCD 摄像机上,您可以使用触屏或摄像机上的按钮 来浏览设置菜单。每个摄像机模式都有各自的设置菜单。 使用触屏进行浏览: 1. 请确认摄像机处于所需的摄像机模式。如需选择其他模式, 请点击模式图标,然后点击所需的模式。 2. 点击设置图标 [ ],打开该模式的设置菜单。 箭头表示存在其他选项(若有...
- 数码摄像机 - GoPro - HERO Session说明书.pdf,用户手册 To download this user manual in a different language, visit /help. Pour télécharger ce manuel de l’utilisateur dans une autre langue, rendez-vous sur /help. Wenn Sie dieses Benutzerhandbuch in ein
DOWNLOAD UPDATE 1. Insert your camera’s microSD™ card into your computer using a microSD card adapter or USB reader. OR2. Transfer the update file to your microSD card. Click the Windows icon in the lower left corner of your screen Click "Computer" in the right-hand list....
DOWNLOAD UPDATE 1. Insert your camera’s microSD™ card into your computer using a microSD card adapter or USB reader. OR2. Transfer the update file to your microSD card. Click the Windows icon in the lower left corner of your screen Click "Computer" in the right-hand list....
GoPro HERO11/10/9 Black Video Settings: GoPro HERO8/7/6 Black Video Settings: Other tips: GoPro cameras feature ProTune with which you can control white balance, ISO, color capture, exposure value compensation (EV) and sharpness. When Protune is on, your files will be easier to edit wi...
GoProCamerasHERO4_BlackProductManuals用户手册说明书(语言中文简体)用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 C 口户『 BeaHERO. 有于村加 Todownloadthisusermanualin adifferentlanguage,visit /support Pourtelechargerce manueldelutilisateur dans une autre langue, rendez-vous sur y/support. Wenn Sie dieses...
GOPRO HERO4 Silver中文说明书 热度: LEICA M数码相机(中文)说明书 热度: 用户手册 twitter/GoPro youtube/GoProacebook/GoPro instagram/GoPro /加入GoPro运动乐章 Todownloadthisusermanualinadiferentlanguage,visit gopro/support. Pourtéléchargercemanueldel’utilisateurdansuneautrelangue, ...