yarn add @vis.gl/react-google-maps (PowerShell users: since@has a special meaning in PowerShell, the package name has to be quoted) Import theAPIProviderand wrap it around all components that should have access to the Maps JavaScript API. Any component within the context of theAPIProviderca...
import {useMap, useMapsLibrary} from '@vis.gl/react-google-maps'; const MyComponent = () => { // triggers loading the places library and returns true once complete (the // component calling the hook gets automatically re-rendered when this is // the case) const map = useMap(); co...
npm i -S @react-google-maps/api importReactfrom'react'import{GoogleMap,useJsApiLoader}from'@react-google-maps/api'constcontainerStyle={width:'400px',height:'400px',}constcenter={lat:-3.745,lng:-38.523,}functionMyComponent(){const{isLoaded}=useJsApiLoader({id:'google-map-script',googleMa...
React-Google-Maps是一个基于React框架的Google地图组件库,它提供了在React应用中集成Google地图的便捷方式。Redux是一个用于JavaScript应用程序状态管理的库,它可以帮助我们在应用中管理和共享数据。 在使用React-Google-Maps和Redux异步显示标记的过程中,我们可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 首先,确保你已经在项目中安装了React...
在react-google-maps中,可以通过使用道具(props)来实现地图的居中和缩放。 要实现地图的居中,可以使用center属性来指定地图的中心坐标。center属性接受一个包含lat和lng属性的对象,分别表示纬度和经度。例如,可以将center属性设置为{ lat: 39.9075, lng: 116.3972 }来将地图居中于北京市中心。 要实现地图的缩放,...
Typescript skyt-apublished 0.0.10 • a year agopublished 0.0.10 a year ago M Q P @byrekt/react-google-maps-api React.js Google Maps API integration React Google Google Maps google maps google-maps @google-maps google-maps-api @google-maps-api Map Maps API GoogleMap react-component ad...
React App For this article, I have created a React app usingcreate-react-appwith TypeScript along withgoogle-map-reactpackage for the map component. Implementation Include the API key in the configuration file. You will notice that we would be requiring some special libraries to achieve our goa...
@babel/plugin-transform-typeof-symbol 7.22.5 间接依赖 npm conventional-changelog-express 2.0.6 间接依赖 npm is-map 2.0.2 间接依赖 npm @angular/router 16.2.2 直接依赖 npm has-bigints 1.0.2 间接依赖 npm arr-map 2.0.2 间接依赖 npm component-emitter 1.3.0 间接依赖 npm tar 6.1.15 间接依赖...
"TypeScript" "Development" "FeedBack" 1 *SAP" 1 -147 Get CurrentUserInfo failed 1 2YM 1 3-TIER Extensibility 2 505 Technology Updates 53 1 @RetroDate_HireDateCorrection 1 @sapilm @archiving @sapiq 1 @SCPI 2 A Comprehensive Guide to Using OLE Objects in SAP ABAP 1...
这样,你只需要添加一个子组件,它需要'lat'和'pam' prop 。该组件应该返回文本,图像和标记。