@react-google-maps/api/dist/GoogleMap.d.ts Version: 6.03 kBTypeScriptView Raw 1/// <reference types="googlemaps" /> 2import*asReactfrom"react"; 3interfaceGoogleMapState { 4map: google.maps.Map |null; 5} 6exportinterfaceGoogleMapProps { ...
@react-google-maps/api/dist/index.d.ts Version: 2.67 kBTypeScriptView Raw 1 export { default as GoogleMap, GoogleMapProps } from "./GoogleMap"; 2 export { default as LoadScript, LoadScriptProps } from "./LoadScript"; 3 export { default as LoadScriptNext, LoadScriptNextProps } ...
npm i -S @react-google-maps/api importReactfrom'react'import{GoogleMap,useJsApiLoader}from'@react-google-maps/api'constcontainerStyle={width:'400px',height:'400px',}constcenter={lat:-3.745,lng:-38.523,}functionMyComponent(){const{isLoaded}=useJsApiLoader({id:'google-map-script',googleMa...
They are using the @react-google-maps/api to display a map with markers, and when you click a marker you will get a small info box displaying some information. The problem is, when you click one of these markers... the map sort of "jumps", and not in a smooth way and they asked...
This is a TypeScript / JavaScript library to integrate the Maps JavaScript API into your React application. It comes with a collection of React components to create maps, markers and infowindows, and a set of hooks to use some of the Maps JavaScript APIServicesandLibraries. ...
The generated reference documentation can be foundhere. The TypeScript types are the authoritative documentation for this library and may differ slightly from the descriptions. Developing In order to run the end-to-end tests, you'll need to supply your API key via an environment variable. ...
"@googlemaps/js-api-loader":"^1.2.0", "@mapbox/point-geometry":"^0.1.0", "eventemitter3":"^4.0.4", "prop-types":"^15.7.2", "scriptjs":"^2.5.9" "prop-types":"^15.7.2" }, "peerDependencies": { "react":"^16.0.0", ...
使用google-maps-react加载GeoJSON可以通过以下步骤实现: 首先,确保你已经安装了google-maps-react库。你可以使用以下命令进行安装: 代码语言:txt 复制 npm install google-maps-react 在你的React组件中,导入所需的库: 代码语言:txt 复制 import { Map, GoogleApiWrapper, GeoJSON } from 'google-maps-react'; ...
<script type="text/javascript" src=" https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?callback=initMap&key={api-Key}&language={language-code}®ion={region-code}" async defer></script> 下面是将语言设置为“fr-FR”的 Google Maps 示例。 后者:Azure Maps Azure Maps 提供两种不同的方式来设置地图的...