我们高兴地宣布 Google-Landmarks,它是全世界最大的人造和自然地标识别数据集,希望这个工具能推动实例级识别的发展。Google-Landmarks 将作为地标识别和地标检索 Kaggle 挑战赛的一部分发布,这两个挑战赛将是 CVPR’18 Landmarks 专题讲座的重点。 地标识别挑战赛:https://www.kaggle.com/c/landmark-recognition-...
This is the second version of the Google Landmarks dataset (GLDv2), which contains images annotated with labels representing human-made and natural landmarks. The dataset can be used for landmark recognition and retrieval experiments. This version of the dataset contains approximately 5 million im...
google-landmarks-dataset评分: 谷歌推出了目前世界上最大的人造和自然地标识别数据集Google-Landmarks。数据集中包含200万张图片,描述了3万处全球独特地标,量级是普通的数据集的30倍. google 数据集2019-04-14 上传大小:104.00MB 所需:50积分/C币
The Google Landmarks dataset contains 1,060,709 images from 12,894 landmarks, and 111,036 additional query images. The images in the dataset are captured at various locations in the world, and each image is associated with a GPS coordinate. This dataset is used to train and evaluate large...
Google Landmarks Dataset v2 A Large-Scale Benchmark for Instance-Level Recognition and Retrieval Google Landmarks Dataset v2 A Large-Scale Benchmark for Instance-Level Recognition and Retrieval Google Landmarks Dataset v2 A Large-Scale Benchmark for Instance-Level Recognition and Retrieval ...
is the new "Immersive View" in Google Maps. Immersive View, as the name suggests, will allow you to get a better, more detailed look at a particular location in the Google Maps application. It's essentially a new way to experience what a location, landmark, or even a restaurant will ...
In addition to showing nearby landmarks, Google said users can also access Live View from the transit tab in Google Maps. “If you’re using transit directions and have a walking portion of your journey, you can use Live View to find your way,” Google said. “This is particularly usefu...
added new feature to Google Maps that allows users to see three dimension (3D) photograph tours of popular sites around the world. It indicates that the search giant added tours for popular city landmarks like New York City's Central Park, London, England's Buckingham Palace, and the Trevi...
一直提示无法使用然后查找资料发现 是因为谷歌关闭了国内的谷歌翻译网页版translate.google.cn,因此连带着...
if results.multi_hand_landmarks: for handlms in results.multi_hand_landmarks: print(enumerate(handlms.landmarks)) #error here mpDraw.draw_landmarks(frame,handlms,mpHands.HAND_CONNECTIONS) cTime = time.time() fps = 1/(cTime - pTime) pTime = cTime if int(fps) < 30: cv.putText(...