打开配置文件管理器企业(PPME)并转到配置。 配置PPME SMTP设置: 主机: smtp.gmail.com用户名:您的Gmail 地址密码: Gmail 应用密码Gmail SMTP 端口(TLS/SSL): 587/465 有用信息: 支持和下载:打印机配置文件管理器企业版 (PPME) 本文是否有帮助? 是的 不是 汇报这篇文章的问题 ...
It is very important you include “ssl://” or your customers will receive errors when completing actions on your store that use the mail feature. SMTP Username should be set to the account username for the Gmail account you would like to use. “[email protected]” SMTP Password should be...
SMTP server (i.e., outgoing mail server): [smtp.gmail.com (http://smtp.gmail.com) SMTP username: Your full Gmail or G Suite email address (e.g., example@gmail.com or example@your_domain) SMTP password: Your Gmail or G Suite email password SMTP port: 465 SMTP TLS/SSL required: ye...
Gmail SMTP server: smtp.gmail.com Gmail SMTP server: YourfullGmail address, such as youremail@gmail.com Gmail SMTP password: Your Gmail password Gmail SMTP port: 465 (SSL)/587 (TLS) TLS/SSL: Required Pro Tip Learnhow to check if port 587 is openand establish more secure connections betwe...
所以我用Ubuntu建立了一个GCP虚拟机,从那里我想通过邮件提供商用python脚本发送定期报告。smtp端口是587,据我所知,该端口以前在GCP环境中关闭,但现在应该可用。 我的脚本如下所示: import smtplib,ssl from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.base import MIMEBase ...
Access your Google.com Account with IMAP, SMTP or POP3 with these setup instructions from February 2025
this.smtpPort = smtpPort; } public String getSmtpSSLProt() { return smtpSSLProt; } public void setSmtpSSLProt(String smtpSSLProt) { this.smtpSSLProt = smtpSSLProt; } public Boolean getIsSSL() { return isSSL; } public void setIsSSL(Boolean isSSL) { this.isSSL = isSSL; } public Strin...
欢迎阅读 Spring Boot 2 实战系列[1] 电子邮件虽然近几年有点“退火”,但是在开发中依然有举足轻重的...
465, // smtp+ssl 512, // print / exec 513, // login 514, // shell 515, // printer 526, // tempo 530, // courier 531, // chat 532, // netnews 540, // uucp 556, // remotefs 563, // nntp+ssl 587, // stmp?