SMTP port465 SMTP securitySSL / TLS SMTP usernameYour full email address SMTP passwordYour GMail password Important:GMail may also require that you follow the additional steps below before Mailspring and other programs can access your email:
通过SMTP方式,我们只需要配置相应的STMP Server和Port,使用我们的帐号和密码登录到STMP Server,理论上我们就可以进行邮件的发送了。对于Google Gmail,对应的信息如下: Pop3 Server (Port: 995), SSL SMTP Server (Port: 25, 465, 587), TLS 你通过你注册的Gmail帐号和密码就可以...
Pop3 Server (Port: 995), SSL SMTP Server (Port: 25, 465, 587), TLS 你通过你注册的Gmail帐号和密码就可以登录。下面是一段简单的C# 代码。 1:usingSystem; 2:usingSystem.Collections.Generic; 3:usingSystem.Text; 4:usingSystem.Net.Mail; 5:usingSys...
gmail的smtp采用了ssl连接: Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - requires TLS: (use ...
一、在Managed code中通过Gmail发送邮件 我们知道,SMTP是我们最常用的邮件传输的协议。通过SMTP方式,我们只需要配置相应的STMP Server和Port,使用我们的帐号和密码登录到STMP Server,理论上我们就可以进行邮件的发送了。对于Google Gmail,对应的信息如下: Pop3 Server (Port: 995), SSL ...
Gmail SMTP server: Gmail SMTP server: YourfullGmail address, such as Gmail SMTP password: Your Gmail password Gmail SMTP port: 465 (SSL)/587 (TLS) TLS/SSL: Required Pro Tip Learnhow to check if port 587 is openand establish more secure connections betwe...
6. 打开"服务器信息"页, 选中"我的服务器需要验证"旁边的复选框。7. 在"接收邮件(POP3)服务器:"字段中输入""。8. 在"发送邮件服务器 (SMTP):"字段中输入""。9. 在"登录信息"部分,输入您的 Gmail 用户名(包括"")及输入您的 Gmail 密码。10....
SMTP 透過SMTP用程式寄google workspace郵件 使用者登入並開兩步驗證 Screen Shot 2020-11-20 at 11.56.40.png 新增應用程式密碼 host:'',port:587,username:'',password:'應用程式密碼',from:'' ...
Enter the SMTP Server “” and select Port: 465. Enter your entire email address as the Username and your password. Click Add Account. You can enter the confirmation code, but it’s easier to just close this window and… Click the link in the email that you receive and ...
Paste Client ID and Client Secret in the Post SMTP. Return to the tab where the Post SMTP is open andpastetheClient IDandClient Secretvalues into thePost SMTPwizard’s second step. Granting Your Site Google / Gmail Permissions You will seeConnect to Google APIunder theAuthorization (Requires)...