Turn this module on or off: On SMTP server: SMTP服务器地址(google为:smtp.gmail.com) SMTP backup server: 同上 SMTP port: 端口(一般是25,Gmail是465) Use encrypted protocol: 是否使用SSL (如果使用ssl:php.ini的openssl扩展要打开,并重启apache) Username: 用户名 Password: 密码 E-mail from address...
SMTP_SERVER='smtp.gmail.com'SMTP_PORT=587defsend_email(sender,recipient):msg=MIMEMultipart()msg['To']=recipient msg['From']=sender msg['Subject']=input('Subject: ')message=input('Enter your message. Press Enter when finished:\n')part=MIMEText('text',"plain")part.set_payload(message)msg...
set mailserver smtp.gmail.com port 587 username "" password "" using tlsv12 set mail-format { from: @gmail.com subject: $SERVICE $EVENT at $DATE on $HOST message: Monit $ACTION $SERVICE $EVENT at $DATE on $HOST : $DESCRIPTION. Yours sincerely, Monit } # the ...
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server: smtp.gmail.com Use Authentication: Yes Use Secure Connection: Yes (TLS or SSL depending on your mail client/website SMTP plugin) Username: your Gmail address (e.g., user@gmail.com) Password: your Gmail password Gmail SMTP Port: 465 (SSL required) or 587 (...
import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText # 配置SMTP服务器信息 smtp_server = 'smtp.gmail.com' smtp_port = 587 username = 'your_gmail_username@gmail.com' password = 'your_gmail_password' # 创建邮件内容 msg = MIMEText('Hello, this is a test email.') msg['Subject'] = 'Test...
SMTP:smtp.gmail.com SMTPport号:587 或 25 263邮箱 域名:263.net POP3:pop.263.net SMTP:smtp.263.net SMTPport号:25 域名:x263.net POP3:pop.x263.net SMTP:smtp.x263.net SMTPport号:25 域名:263.net.cn POP3:pop.263.net.cn SMTP:smtp.263.net.cn ...
...SMTP_SERVER = "smtp.example.com" # 例如Gmail的SMTP服务器:smtp.gmail.comSMTP_PORT = 587 EMAIL = "your_email...SMTP服务器并发送邮件 server = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER,SMTP_PORT) server.starttls() # 启用TLS...注意,有些邮件提供商(如Gmail)可能需要生成一个应用专用密码而不是直接使用...
Gmail IMAP Mail Server Settings :- If you need to set-up Gmail for an IMAP mail server, simply follow the steps below. For the incoming mail server or IMAP that requires SSL, type inimap.gmail.com. Use port 993 and select Yes for the Requires SSL setting. ...
Gmail SMTP server: smtp.gmail.com Gmail SMTP server: YourfullGmail address, such as youremail@gmail.com Gmail SMTP password: Your Gmail password Gmail SMTP port: 465 (SSL)/587 (TLS) TLS/SSL: Required Pro Tip Learnhow to check if port 587 is openand establish more secure connections betwe...
MailProtocol:SMTPSMTPHost:ssl://smtp.gmail.comSMTPUsername:yourgmailusernameSMTPPassword:yourgmailpasswordSMTPPort:465opencart.JPG(53.91KiB)被浏览21次 GMAIL SMTP 邮件 原创 Opencart中国 2013-10-20 12:39:10 2787阅读 Gmail设置smtp 0 首先你要能访问Gmail才可以。1 在Gmail后台开启IMAP,这样就可以使用smtp...