Locking cells is an excellent approach to secure your data while using Google Sheets to protect important information. You may easily lock down a single cell or a whole row of cells with the appropriate tools, and this additional security measure prevents unauthorized people from obtaining priceless...
Or right-click any cell, and then click View more cell actions > Protect cell range. Click the protected sheet or cell range you want to edit. Click the Delete range or sheet protection icon, which looks like a garbage can. Automate Google Sheets There are countless ways to ...
I love Google Sheets. It has a clean interface, it’s easy to collaborate with people and it integrates with other Google products that I use every day (like Google Analytics and Looker Studio). It’s really easy to start using Google Sheets, but did you know it offers some great ways ...
if(col == 59 && row >= 5 && value == "X"){ //check if the edited cell is BG and row is equal or greater than 5 and value is X let lock_range = `B${row}:BG${row}`; //set lock range using row let protection = sheet.getRange(lock_range).protect() //set protection ....
Google Spreadsheets Tips – Multiple Lines in a Single Cell 8. Make Use of The “Download As” Option This is one of least know features of Google Sheets, but it is really useful when you want to download the Google Sheet in other formats. Using the “Download As” option you can downl...
Highlight a cell or range of cellsthat you want to protect. Click the ‘Data Protected Sheets and ranges’menu. The‘Range editing permissions' message pops up. Select the ‘restrict who can edit this range’ option. Now,choose who is allowed to edit this range; Only you, or Custom. Wi...
The next menu will give you several more cell actions. Look for the action labeled “Protect range.” Choose “Protect range” to begin assigning cells to a locked status. Alternatively, you can perform the same task by clicking on theDatatab and choosing “Protect s...
In Numbers, only basic cell protection is available, and workbook protection is not supported. In Google Sheets, sheet protection can be recreated, but file encryption and workbook-level protection are not available. As Allen Wyatt suggested in: Protecting a Workbook from Opening in Other Programs...