Locking cells is an excellent approach to secure your data while using Google Sheets to protect important information. You may easily lock down a single cell or a whole row of cells with the appropriate tools, and this additional security measure prevents unauthorized people from obtaining priceless...
Google Sheets Script根据列单元格中的值锁定或解锁行 我使用一个脚本,如果在“BG”列中输入“X”,则可以锁定一行。 我想,如果我把一个“0”,然后保护被删除。 还添加了一个函数,以便在我更改“BG”单元格中的值时脚本自动运行。 My Script: function Lock_Cells() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(...
After clicking “Protect range” from the dropdown menu or “Protect sheets and ranges” from the Data tab, you will notice the open side panel on the right of your screen. Click on “Add a sheet or range.” 5. Choose which cells to lock. Next, decide which ...
Click Data > Protect sheets and ranges. Or right-click any cell, and then click View more cell actions > Protect cell range. Click the protected sheet or cell range you want to edit. Click Change permissions. Update the Range editing permissions. Click Done. How to unlock cells in...
entire sheet from public editing. To protect your entire worksheet, head back to Data and select the Protected Sheets and ranges menu. This time, you don't have to choose any cells before you start. Just click on ‘Sheet,' and then choose the spreadsheet to protect from the dropdown ...
In addition, Excel surpasses Google Sheets in the following ways: You can send documents as email attachments. You can password protect Individual documents. Creators can disable the ability to forward, copy, or print documents. Collaborators can see who’s made changes. There’s a free, ...
To protect a range, select the cells you want to protect and then select the option “Data > Protect Sheets and Ranges.” On the sidebar, click on the button “Set Permissions.” Google Spreadsheets Tips – Protect Range Now, select the appropriate editing permissions and then click on the...
If you are sharing a document like this with someone and don’t want them to access other sheets, make sure to enable Protect Sheet in Excel. How to Copy an Excel Spreadsheet and Chart Into Word The newer version of Word lets you simply copy and paste cells and other Excel elements ...
6️⃣ Can I protect formulas from accidental edits? ✅ Yes! Go to Data > Protect Sheets & Ranges and select the yellow-highlighted cells and sheets. Watch this video for more info. 7️⃣ What's a "Conscious Spending Plan?" How's it different than a budget? 📌 Ramit Sethi ...
Microsoft 365/ Office 365 includes advanced security features, such as threat protection, data loss prevention, and identity management, which help protect your organization from cybersecurity threats. Microsoft 365/ Office 365 offers a robust suite of collaboration tools, including SharePoint,Teams, Ya...