We conduct an assessment on accounting program research performance based on Google Scholar citations for all articles from a set of 23 quality accounting journals during 1991–2010. Our work isa new approachin accountingby directly measuring the impact of the faculty research in accounting programs....
The project aims to use an R script to extract number of citations from Google Scholar, combining it with xml generated by a reference manager and showing everything in nice formatted way on a html page using javascript. publicationsgoogle-scholar ...
Displays the China Computer Federation (CCF) recommended rank of international conferences and journals in the dblp, Google Scholar, Connected Papers and and Web of Science search results. chrome-extensionfirefox-addondblpgoogle-scholarweb-of-scienceedge-addonchina-computer-federationconnected-papers ...
Chan, J. Y., Chan, K., Tong, J. Y., & Zhang, F. (2016). Using Google Scholar citations to rank accounting programs: a global perspective. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting , 47 (1), 29-55.Chan, J., Kam C. Chan, J. Tong and F. Zhang (2015), Using Google ...
Our results show that universities with the greatest number of research staff publish most and have the most records indexed in Google Scholar (see strong correlations of around 0.8). However, the largest universities do not present the highest number of PID-based URLs (R = 0.6). Likewise...
摘要: unravelling the inner depths of Google Scholar and testing its capabilities as a tool for scientific evaluation 关键词: Google Scholar Web of Science Scopus Bibliographic databases Academic search engines Coverage Citation analysis Unique citations Citation overlap Bibliometrics Scientometrics ...
Tags:bibliometrics,citations,CiteScore,Google Scholar,h-index,impact factor,peer-reviewed journals,ranking,sci-imago,Scopus,SJR,SNIP Categories :conservation,science writing,scientific publishing A fairer way to rank conservation and ecology journals in 2014 ...
方便地查询杂志影响力和本领域有哪些杂志:Scimago Journal & Country Rank 更精确定位的学术搜索引擎(目前只有计算机类):Semantic Scholar 提升LaTeX 效率的小工具:Detexify LaTeX handwritten symbol recognition 选择正确的英文词语 例如,大多数中国人写英文有时候还是会不确定,不知道一个单词前后应该跟什么词,不知道哪...
Similar to Google search results, the most popular or most used topics are shown first in Google Scholar results. Google Scholar’s aim is to rank documents the way researchers would: based on relevance and popularity. This ranking system also means searchers can find relevant content more quickl...
Google Scholar使用的搜索技术与普通的Google搜索技术是一样的,都是利用他们专利网页级别技术PageRank来进行,由于此类技术的分析较多,本文不再赘述。为了保证检索结果的有效性,Google Scholar通过以下几种方式来显示检索结果: ■ 了解某一作者的著述,并提供书目信息(引用时必需的图书出版信息或期刊论文的刊名、刊期信息)...