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NORUZ1 A. Google Scholar: The new generation of citation indexes [J]. Libri, 2005, 55(4): 170-180.Noruzi, Alireza (2005), Google Scholar: The New Generation of Citation Indexes, Libri 55, 170-180.Noruzi, A. (2005) Google Scholar: The new generation of citation indexes. Libri 55 p...
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Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com) provides a new method of locating potentially relevant articles on a given subject by identifying subsequent articles that cite a previously published article. An important feature of Google Scholar is that researchers can use it to trace interconnections amo...
Citation Analysis: Comparison of Web of Science, Scopus, SciFinder, and Google Scholar Purpose - The research aim for this study was to compare three citation resources with one another to identify the citation resource with the most represen... Jie Li,Judy F. Burnham,Trey Lemley,... 被引...
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