错误:Error 492问题:由于 Dalvik cache 而无法安装应用解决:在「设置」-「应用」中找到「Google 服务框架」,依次点击「清除数据」和「强制停止」;再找到「Google Play 商店」,重复上述操作。如果问题依然存在,可尝试将 Dalvik cache 清除。对于 ROOT 用户来说,可进入第三方 Recovery 中清除 Dalvik cache。对于普通...
03. NowRestartyour mobile device and try it again. Hope everyone fix the google play error message! If you still have the Google Play Error after step 1, 2, 3, and 4, try our total solutions for google play errors CLICK HERE FOR TOTAL SOLUTIONS FOR GOOGLE PLAY ERRORS > Don't forget ...
Update: after my second factory reset, all went well until google play services started updating numerous google apps, including google play store. Then the error 'Google Play Store keeps closing' appeared again. It seems to be something to do with the 'hidden contents' up...
The error message “Authentication is required. You need to sign in to your Google Account”occurswhen you attempt to open the Google Play Store app, even though you’re already logged in to your Google Account. It usually arises due to the updated version of Google Play, cache issues, syn...
Because of this, your play store app throws an error message saying that –Google Play Store “No Internet Connection Retry”.In order to fix this error, you need to try the following things. Firstly, you have to turn off and on your mobile data or Wi-Fi connection. ...
Google Play Store server error We received feedback from users who encounter an error message when logging in to Google Play Store. Please refer to the error message on the screenshot below. It has been found that this error was on Google's end, and according to them, this issue was alr...
Not being able to download an app from the Google Play Store or it shows some random error message? This is probably the most common problem faced by Android users getting stuck with the 'downloading' or 'pending' message. Yet not to worry, here are a few methods how easily you can res...
Error 921 [DF-BPA-13] Main Steps: How to Fix Google Play Store Error Step 1: Go to Settings Step 2: Open “Application manager” or “Apps”. Open all applications or manage applications. This could vary according to the type of Android mobile you are using. ...
If you're having trouble loading the Google Play Store or having issues downloading apps and games, try the troubleshooting steps below. These steps can also help with the following error messages: ■ No connection. ■ Error retrieving information from server. [RPC:S-7:AEC-0]. ■ "...
Error 919 方法:设备存储空间不足,试试清除缓存文件,或者删掉不需要的应用,删照片、删视频。Error 921 方法:删除 Google Play 中的缓存(设置→应用管理→ Google Play)。之后如果还是回出现这个错误的话,删除 Google Play 中的数据(设置→应用管理→ Google Services)。如果还是不起作用的话,...