错误:Error 492问题:由于 Dalvik cache 而无法安装应用解决:在「设置」-「应用」中找到「Google 服务框架」,依次点击「清除数据」和「强制停止」;再找到「Google Play 商店」,重复上述操作。如果问题依然存在,可尝试将 Dalvik cache 清除。对于 ROOT 用户来说,可进入第三方 Recovery 中清除 Dalvik cache。对于普通...
Google Play Store Error code 20 Error Description: This Error usually occurs while downloading or updating the app. Many of the time errors are solved in the second try during the downloading process. Error code 20 is also one among the errors that doesn’t get solved even after the ...
Google Play Store error code 495 Google Play Store error code 505 Google Play Store error code 506 Google Play Store error code 509 Google Play Store error code 905 Resolve Google Play Store Errors Try the following workarounds to fix the Google Play Store errors. ...
2, 错误码 101 publicstaticfinalintBILLING_ERROR_FAILED_TO_INITIALIZE_PURCHASE=101; 发生场景:在同一设备增加新的Google账号,之前没问题,后来突然报了这个错误 原因:Google Play 缓存问题 解决办法:设置--->应用--->Google Play 清空缓存,退出 Google 账号重新登录!
Is your Google Play store giving you an error code? Check the list below and see what your error code means. It will be the first step is figuring out how to fix it.Error 944- Google's servers are experiencing issues. This is not an error on your end. Sit back and wait for it ...
Error 403 方法:这个错误通常是由于手机上有多个账户引起的,确保你所连接到 Google Play 商店是正确的账户,然后卸载正更新的应用,或者重新下载应用都是使用的同一个账户。Error 491 方法: 移除当前的 Google 账户,重新添加该账户。然后在清除 Google Services 应用中的数据(设置→应用管理→ Google ...
If the above solution doesn’t work, then try the below one as the root of the Error 403 varies – Go to the Google Play Store with the correct Google account. Now you need to uninstall the application in question. Try to find the app from Play Store again and hit the Install button...
ERROR/Volley: il.a: Unexpected response code 403 for https://www.googleapis.com/games/v1/players/me ERROR/SignInIntentService: Access Not Configured ERROR/LoadSelfFragment: Unable to sign in - application does not have a registered client ID ...
Error 921 [DF-BPA-13] Main Steps: How to Fix Google Play Store Error Step 1: Go to Settings Step 2: Open “Application manager” or “Apps”. Open all applications or manage applications. This could vary according to the type of Android mobile you are using. ...
可能原因:1、未安装Google Play Services,或版本太低。2、与谷歌服务器连接失败,建议:重新安装google play services,或更新.开关一次飞行模式,重新连接VPN或FQ工具。望采纳,谢谢