解决:登陆 Google Play,卸载用其他账户购买的应用,尝试用当前账户重新购买。错误:Error 413问题:无法在 Google Play 中下载和更新应用原因:使用了代理解决:在「设置」-「应用」中找到「Google 服务框架」,依次点击「清除数据」和「强制停止」;再找到「Google Play 商店」,重复上述操作;接着将浏览器的缓存清除。错误...
解决:删除「Google Play 商店」的缓存。如果此法无效,可尝试将其数据清空。如果依旧存在问题,可删除 Google 账户,重启手机,重新登入 Google 账户。 十、错误:Error 927 问题:因 Google Play 客户端正在更新导致应用无法下载 解决:等待 Google Play 客户端更新完毕。如果问题依然存在,在「设置」-「应用」中找到「Goo...
方法:这个错误通常是由于手机上有多个账户引起的,确保你所连接到 Google Play 商店是正确的账户,然后卸载正更新的应用,或者重新下载应用都是使用的同一个账户。Error 491 方法: 移除当前的 Google 账户,重新添加该账户。然后在清除 Google Services 应用中的数据(设置→应用管理→ Google Services)E...
1, errorCode = 3 /** Billing API version is not supported for the type requested */intBILLING_UNAVAILABLE=3; 这种情况是由于你的Google账号没有在购买支持的的地区范围(比如:不支持在A地区销售,但是你的Google账号资料在A地区,所以会报上面错误) 解决办法: 排查你的Google账号地区,步骤:Google Play商店-...
If the above solution doesn’t work, then try the below one as the root of the Error 403 varies – Go to the Google Play Store with the correct Google account. Now you need to uninstall the application in question. Try to find the app from Play Store again and hit the Install button...
可能原因:1、未安装Google Play Services,或版本太低。2、与谷歌服务器连接失败,建议:重新安装google play services,或更新.开关一次飞行模式,重新连接VPN或FQ工具。望采纳,谢谢
不少Android 用户为了运行某些特定应用或是游戏都会选择安装谷歌服务框架,而在实际的使用过程中我们却常常会遇到「 Google Play 服务需要更新」或是「 Google Play 服务已停止运行」之类的问题。 对于已经安装了 Play 商店的玩家来说,根据提示进入 Play 商店进行更新往往可以解决 Google Play服务版本过旧的问题。今天我...
You might receive an error that contains random numbers when you download Office apps from the Google Play store. The Google Play team is aware of this problem and is working to resolve the issues. In the meantime, please see below for more information and try the workarounds...
Resolve the annoying 'Google Play Services keep stopping' error with our expert tips and get back to enjoying your apps hassle-free.
Sometimes you may face a Google Play Store Error 495 while downloading and installing any application on your device. Note that this error is specific only to downloads that are being done on the Wifi network. These are not when trying the same through a data network connection. Only the ap...