「PhotoScan」是 Google 这周二发布的应用,功能强大且使用体验一级棒!它是利用手机的摄像头和闪光灯快速扫描纸本照片,之后利用软件和机器学习来完成眩光消除和颜色校正,并将数码副本保存在云端。下载地址见文末 最完美的扫描,最纯粹的老照片 其实在这之前也有过一些将老照片的扫描变成电子版储存的 App,但总的...
you can try out theScan Photosfunction. Behind this is an additional app that is specialized in taking old photos. The photo scanner does not simply take a photo, but captures the old picture several times
1. PhotoScan by Google Photos PhotoScan is an extension of Google Photos and is a scanner app for your old printed photos. The app is straightforward to use—just hold your phone on top of an image and move it in the way the app tells you to. The app then scans, combines, and enh...
Tried this on my SGS7 (Android Oreo) and it was mostly miss and very little hit. Could have gone to the store to buy a new tape in the time I spent waving this thing over and over until it found a textured surface that it liked. Reminds me of early Photoscan. There's a good i...