The Photoscan images are so good, they kinda look better than the print sometimes. It somehow balances the colors perfectly — not like a filter or editing black point, shadows, etc., but it just looks RIGHT. It’s better, but you wouldn’t realize it until comparing a couple of times...
Photos from the past, meet scanner from the future. PhotoScan is an app from Google Photos that lets you scan and save your favorite printed photos using your…
Nestled into a new ‘Suggestions’ tab that shows up first in the Photos editor, the options displayed there “[use] machine learning to give you suggestions that are tailored to the specific photo you’re editing.” For now, this only includes three options—Color Pop, Black & White, and...
In a rather unusual move, Google has released a screensaver utility for the Mac. The free app can be downloaded from the company's website and integrates within the screensaver settings under macOS. Once installed, you will get all the best and most wonderful images from Google+ delivered to...
Building a virtual outcrop, extracting geological information from it, and sharing the results in Google Earth via Open Plot and Photoscan: An example from the Khaviz Anticline (Iran). Comput. Geosci. 2014, 63, 44–53. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Wright, T.E.; Burton, M.; Pyle, D....