-- 加载google包 --> <activityandroid:name="com.android.google.tank.MyGoogleMap" android:label="MapsDemo"> <intent-filter> <categoryandroid:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"></category> <actionandroid:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"></action> </intent-filter> </activity> </application...
buildscript { dependencies { classpath "com.google.android.libraries.mapsplatform.secrets-gradle-plugin:secrets-gradle-plugin:2.0.1" } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 这是Android 版 Secret Gradle 插件,然后打开app模块下build.gradle,在plugins{}闭包中添加如下代码: id 'com.google.android.libraries.mapsplatform...
xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"> <com.google.android.maps.MapView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@+id/map_view" android:l...
settings.gradle.kts Maps SDK for Android Utility Library This open-source library contains utilities that are useful for a wide range of applications using theGoogle Maps SDK for Android. Marker animation- animates a marker from one position to another ...
AndroidGoogleMapsProject,如下图,注意必须在Build Target中勾选Google API, 而Application name和Package name的填写如上图所示。 ▲ 第三步:获得Google Map API Key 在正式使用Google Map API前,必须先生成Google Map API KEY。具体的详细步骤请参考<Obtaining a Maps API Key>一文 ...
Google Maps for Android, free and safe download. Google Maps latest version: A free direction and GPS tracking app. Google Maps is a free travel and n
settings.gradle.kts chore: migration to KTS (#288) Dec 13, 2024 Maps Android KTX Description This repository contains Kotlin extensions (KTX) for: TheMaps SDK for Android TheMaps SDK for Android Utility Library It enables you to write more concise, idiomatic Kotlin. Each set of extensions can...
翻译 登录 文字 图片 文档 网站 检测语言 英语 中文(简体) 德语 原文 0/ 5,000 翻译结果 翻译 发送反馈 历史记录 已保存
Google has released a new client library for Maps SDK for Android, version 18.0.0. To use this new version in your apps, be sure toupdate your dependenciestocom.google.android.gms:play-services-maps:18.0.0. Maps SDK for Android version 18.0.0 is supported on Android API Level 19 (Androi...
settings.gradle 1.0.1 5年前 README EPL-1.0 BryantTileMap 谷歌瓦片图层 自定义瓦片图层 使用方式 BryantTileMap的优点 BryantTileMap的缺点 关于网络安全配置 关于MCodeCheck.apk 主要代码 布局文件 联系QQ:961606042 BryantTileMap android使用谷歌地图(Android uses Google Maps),利用高德地图加载谷歌瓦片图层(Loadin...