Google Maps中的設定 Maps的大部分設定直接在App的設定下指定。這裡列出部分範例清單。 已更新 2023/11/17 語音導航等級 設定語音導航數量,例如,如果您只想聽交通資訊,而不是下一個動作。 替代路線 設定在路線指示中避開收費路段和高速公路等。 注意 上述說明為一般性描述,且包括第三方供應商。可用性、程序和功能...
If you reinstall the Maps app, it will apply the new system settings. Why Google Maps displays in a language that's different from your operating system's language Google Maps can use the settings of your account itself or focus on the location of the user. Therefore, service settings and...
-- 步骤(1)设置Google Map API v2 Key,其中为package的名字 --> <permission android:name="" android:protectionLevel="signature"/> <uses-permission android:name=""/> <!-- 步骤(...
在你通过账号信息验证之后就可以创建API秘钥了,创建的API之后需要对应使用应用的包名和SHA1证书指纹,一个API秘钥可以增加多个App进行配置,只有配置之后的App才能通过此API秘钥访问Google Maps。 在你配置好之后你就会得到一个API密钥,这个密钥我们需要在项目中配置好,下面进入项目。 二、项目配置 一般情况...
App Store link Current issues App fails to install App fails to open App crashes randomly during usage App experiences graphical issues or broken UI App fails to connect to servers Ot...
Overall, Google Maps has everything you need to move around the city or go on a long road trip. It’s easy to use, fast, has a clean interface, and works like a charm. However, watch out for battery usage because this application drains power quite quickly. With this app in your po...
版本记录 2025年1月30日 版本10.73.0 感谢使用 Google 地球!此版本修复了一些问题。 最近版本采用全新外观,同时推出了多项新功能,可帮助您随时随地在不同设备上与他人协作、创建地图,以及将相机中的照片添加到地图中。 App 隐私 开发者“Google”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信...
Settings\Administrator\.android\debug.keystore" 输入: android 就会得到指纹 7A:71:D1:*:EC:40:*:18:52:0A:08:B1:05:*:*:* 申请GOOGEL KEY 网址: signup.html,输入后注册一个账号就可以得到 key了 ...
Demo App This repository includes ademo appthat illustrates the use of this KTX library. To run the demo app, you'll have to: Get a Maps API key Create a file in the root directory file shouldNOTbe under version control to protect your API key) ...
Since its launch on iOS 6, Apple has improved their Maps app over the years, but it still doesn’t cut it when you compare it to Google’s own Maps app. Sadly, Apple has monopolised navigation apps in on its CarPlay platform with their own Maps app (and who can blame them). With...