module.exports = Map; Search.js var React = require('react'); var Search = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return { value: '' }; }, handleChange(event) { this.setState({value:}); }, handleSubmit(event){ event.preventDefault(); // 当提交表单时,调用传递...
<script src="" ></script> Import the component usingimport GoogleMap from 'google-maps-for-react;'. Component API The<GoogleMap />component can be customized by passing in a variety of properties. However, only one is required:api...
这里需要注意的是 react引入官方js库后 我们的对象创建都需要通过window里引入 google AMap(高德)来创建对象 这事react中使用的不同之处 react中我们不能使用getElementById,而是采用refs来渲染页面 render() { return ( <div className="demo" > <div className="google" ref="map1" /> <div className="gaod...
Google Maps元素在React应用程序中显示为灰色的原因可能是由于以下几个因素: 1. API密钥问题:在使用Google Maps API时,需要提供有效的API密钥。如果密钥无效或未正确...
For example, if you just want to use thegoogle.maps.geocoding.Geocoderclass in a component and you don't even need a map, it can be implemented like this: import{useMap,useMapsLibrary}from'';constMyComponent=()=>{// useMapsLibrary loads the geocoding library,...
npm i -S @react-google-maps/api importReactfrom'react'import{GoogleMap,useJsApiLoader}from'@react-google-maps/api'constcontainerStyle={width:'400px',height:'400px',}constcenter={lat:-3.745,lng:-38.523,}functionMyComponent(){const{isLoaded}=useJsApiLoader({id:'google-map-script',googleMa... Popular repositoriesLoading google-map-reactgoogle-map-reactPublic Google map library for react that allows rendering components as markers 🎉 JavaScript6.4k838 old-examplesold-examplesPublic ...
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script> Considering that there is a global variable as google import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Map, LayersControl } from 'react-leaflet'; import GoogleMutant from 'react-leaflet-googlemutant'...
Introduction - When I first heard that SAP was building a web development toolkit it really made me curious, but when I read that the SAPUI5 toolkit was going opensource