使用google-maps-react模块渲染Google地图可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 安装google-maps-react模块:在终端或命令行中运行以下命令安装google-maps-rea...
importReactfrom'react'import{GoogleMap,useLoadScript}from'@react-google-maps/api'constoptions={zoomControlOptions:{position:google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_CENTER// ,// ...otherOptopns}}functionMyComponent(){const{isLoaded,loadError}=useLoadScript({googleMapsApiKey:"YOUR_API_KEY"// ,// ......
npm install @vis.gl/react-google-maps or yarn add @vis.gl/react-google-maps (PowerShell users: since @ has a special meaning in PowerShell, the package name has to be quoted) Usage Import the APIProvider and wrap it around all components that should have access to the Google Maps API...
@react-google-maps/api/src/map-context.ts Version: 480 BPlain TextView Raw 1 import { useContext, createContext } from "react" 2 import invariant from "invariant" 3 4 const MapContext = createContext<google.maps.Map | null>(null) 5 6 export function useGoogleMap(): google.map...
npm install @vis.gl/react-google-maps or yarn add @vis.gl/react-google-maps (PowerShell users: since@has a special meaning in PowerShell, the package name has to be quoted) Usage Import theAPIProviderand wrap it around all components that should have access to the Maps JavaScript API. ...
(functioncallback(map){// This is just an example of getting and using the map instance!!! don't just blindly copy!constbounds=newwindow.google.maps.LatLngBounds(center)map.fitBounds(bounds)setMap(map)},[])constonUnmount=React.useCallback(functioncallback(map){setMap(null)},[])returnis...
yarn add react-native-google-places-autocomplete Step 2. Get yourGoogle Places API keysand enable "Google Places API Web Service" (NOT Android or iOS) in the console. Billing must be enabled on the account. Step 3. Enable "Google Maps Geocoding API" if you want to use GoogleReverseGeocodi...
35 acc: google.maps.MapsEventListener[], 36 googleEventName: string, 37 onEventName: any 38 ): google.maps.MapsEventListener[] { 39 if (typeof props[onEventName] === 'function') { 40 acc.push(google.maps.event.addListener(instance, googleEventName, props[onEventName])) 41...
从Google Maps 迁移到 HUAWEI Map Kit React Native应用开发 业务介绍 版本更新说明 应用开发 开发准备 AppGallery Connect配置 开发环境准备 集成HMS SDK 添加权限 创建地图 地图交互 在地图上绘制 JavaScript API 业务介绍 应用开发 基础地图 地图交互 在地图上绘制 路径规划 位置搜索 ...