TapContinueto return to the Smart Life app. TapAgree and linkto access the Google Home app. This way, the Smart Life app is linked with the Google Assistant. Step 3: Use Google Home to control smart devices Now, users can speak the following voice commands and control your smart devices ...
2.在列表中找到 Smart Life并打开,在新页面,选择您智能生活 app 账号所在的国家,输入您智能生活 app 的账号和密码,点击 Link Now。绑定完成后,您的设备会出现在 Home Control 的 Devices 列表中。4. 用 Google Home 控制您的智能设备现在,您可以使用 Google Home 控制您的智能设备了。以 bedroom light 为例,...
2、将设备昵称改为英文,如“My Light”。 3、用户拥有一台Google Home音箱,下载 Google Home(或 Google Assistant)客户端并绑定该音箱。 (iOS用户请至美国区App Store搜索“Google Home”下载,Android客户请至Google Play搜索“Google Home”下载) 4、在Google Home客户端中点击Home control,Add devices中添加“Sma...
Google Home Control的优势在于其与Google Assistant的紧密集成,用户可以通过语音指令直接控制智能设备,无需使用手机或其他遥控器。此外,Google Home Control还支持多用户共享控制,允许家庭成员共同管理智能设备。 Google Home Control的应用场景非常广泛,可以用于控制家庭中的各种智能设备,如灯光、插座、窗帘、温度调节器...
4.在 Google Home App 主页上点击“+”按钮添加设备,选择Set up devices列表下的Works with Google。搜索并选择“tencentlianlian”,登录腾讯连连的账号进行账号绑定,授权设备的控制权。绑定成功后,您的设备会显示在 Home Control 的 Devices 列表中。 ...
makes it easier to control your smart devices in fewer steps. Wespotted this redesign last week in an APK teardown of the Google Home app. However, it wasn't accessible to end-users at the time. Google says it's now rolling out this revamped home view to everyone on Android and iOS....
使用谷歌开发者账号登陆GoogleHome App,点击Home control,Add devices中添加“Smart Home”。找到按照文本创建的action,添加并使用自有品牌app的账号授权登陆,获取自有品牌app账号下面的设备开始调试 1、准备一台接入Link Living 国际站的设备,使用厂家自有品牌App,绑定该设备。 2、用户拥有一台Google...
A user running Android 11 DP4 was able to get devices from the Google Home app to show up in the power menu. Now, we got the device controls working.
Control smart home devices added to the Google Home app You can control over 50,000 smart home devices like TVs, lights, appliances, plugs, thermostats, sensors, and more when you add them to the Google Home app. To start, set up your device in the Google Home app, then check that th...
和gactions在同一个文件夹下面的,并将[YOUR HOME ASSISTANT URL]的内容替换为用于访问Home Assistant的URL(你的https域名)。注意:这必须是HTTPS URL才能工作。 { "actions": [{ "name": "actions.devices", "deviceControl": { }, "fulfillment": { "conversationName": "automation" } }], "conversations...