Step 3: Use Google Home to control smart devices Now, users can speak the following voice commands and control your smart devices from Google Home. For example, for a bedroom light, Google Home currently supports the following commands in English only: ...
4.在 Google Home App 主页上点击“+”按钮添加设备,选择Set up devices列表下的Works with Google。搜索并选择“tencentlianlian”,登录腾讯连连的账号进行账号绑定,授权设备的控制权。绑定成功后,您的设备会显示在 Home Control 的 Devices 列表中。 ...
Google Home Control的优势在于其与Google Assistant的紧密集成,用户可以通过语音指令直接控制智能设备,无需使用手机或其他遥控器。此外,Google Home Control还支持多用户共享控制,允许家庭成员共同管理智能设备。 Google Home Control的应用场景非常广泛,可以用于控制家庭中的各种智能设备,如灯光、插座、窗帘、温度调节器...
2、将设备昵称改为英文,如“My Light”。 3、用户拥有一台Google Home音箱,下载 Google Home(或 Google Assistant)客户端并绑定该音箱。 (iOS用户请至美国区App Store搜索“Google Home”下载,Android客户请至Google Play搜索“Google Home”下载) 4、在Google Home客户端中点击Home control,Add devices中添加“Clo...
用户拥有一台Google Home音箱,下载 Google Home(或 Google Assistant)客户端并绑定该音箱。 在Google Home客户端中单击Home control,Add devices中添加“Smart Home”。 4、输入您自有品牌App登录的账号和密码,完成添加您的智能设备。(如果在您自己的App中修改了设备昵称,音箱必须重新发现设备,否则不能对设备进行控制...
找到Google Assistant > Settings > Home Control 会发现带有 [test] 前缀的 test app 6. Creating a washer 修改washer-start/functions/index.js中的代码 代码语言:javascript 复制 app.onSync(body=>{return{requestId:body.requestId,payload:{agentUserId:'123',devices:[{id:'washer',type:'action.devices...
Control Google Nest or Home devices by voice You can use voice commands to manage Google Nest or Home speaker or display features, like media, alarms, lights and thermostat controls, information searches, and much more. To use a voice command, say "Hey Google" or "OK Google" and then the...
You can now add an Xbox console to the Google Home app to gain a touch remote control feature. ByTimi Cantisano Feb 15, 2023 How a security researcher turned a Google Home Mini into a wiretap Security If you have a Google Home device but are worried about the always-on microphones, you...
和gactions在同一个文件夹下面的,并将[YOUR HOME ASSISTANT URL]的内容替换为用于访问Home Assistant的URL(你的https域名)。注意:这必须是HTTPS URL才能工作。 { "actions": [{ "name": "actions.devices", "deviceControl": { }, "fulfillment": { "conversationName": "automation" } }], "conversations...
Control smart home devices added to the Google Home app You can control over 50,000 smart home devices like TVs, lights, appliances, plugs, thermostats, sensors, and more when you add them to the Google Home app. To start, set up your device in the Google Home app, then check that th...