本文评测的是 付费版 Gemini 1.0 Ultra,即当下 goolge最强的版本 1.0 Ultra > 1.0 Pro >> 1.0 Nano (均2023.12.06发布) 注: 官方Gemini 1.5 pro 的 report 中 Gemini 1.5 pro 在 text 上 优于 1.0 Ultra,但 1.5 pro没有公开,本文不考虑。 Gemini 1.0 Ultra 宣传有处理文本/图片/语音/视频的能力,但是...
At launch on Dec. 6, 2023, Gemini was announced to be made up of a series of different model sizes, each designed for a specific set of use cases and deployment environments. The Ultra model is the top end and is designed for highly complex tasks. The Pro model is designed for perform...
Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription API Version apiVersion True string API version, Eg- 'v1beta'. Model Name modelName True string Model name, Eg- 'gemini-pro'. Returns 展开表 NamePathTypeDescription name name string Unique identifier of the model. version version string Version ...
: {}, "parameters": {}, "metadata": { "author": "Meta", "tags": ["General", "Big Context Length"] }, "engine": "openai"}3.启动模型 重新启动 Jan ,在模型HUB中找到我们刚才新建的gemma:7b-instruct-fp16,然后点击“USE”即可。接下来我们就可以和Gemma进行正常对话了,比如问...
I'm trying to follow the Quickstart: Get started with the Gemini API in Android, but I get the following server error: com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.ServerException: * GenerateContentRequest.model: unexpected model name format Here is my code: @Composable fun Greeting...
Gemini for Google Cloud 概览 提供始终在线的协作工具,为众多 Google Cloud 用户(包括开发者、数据科学家和操作员)提供依托生成式 AI 技术的协助。 AutoML Tables(已弃用) 以大幅提升的速度和规模,基于结构化数据自动构建和部署先进的机器学习模型。 (已弃用) AI Platform(已弃用) 快速、经济高效地将您的机...
我正在尝试在 jupyter 中创建一个脚本来测试 google GEMINI AI 模型,参考下面的链接https://ai.google.dev/api/python/google/generativeai import google.generativeai as genai import os # genai.configure(api_key="API Key") model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro') response = model.generate_content...
Gemini is a new large language model that will work across Google products, including search, ads, and Bard. Google says it matches and even bests OpenAI’s GPT-4 model.
在Gemma官方页面上,Google给出了Gemma在语言理解、推理、数学等各项标准测试中的得分,其中70亿参数模型击败了主流开源模型Llama-2和Mistral,直接登顶Hugging Face开源大模型排行榜,成为目前全球最火热的开源大模型之一。 与Gemini的全家桶路线不同,Gemma这次主打轻量高性能,拥有2b、2b全量版、7b、7b全量版4种版本。 其...
Gemini AI, Google’s highly advanced family of LLMs, is now coming to… Global Staff @ The Tech Portal February 22, 2024 2 minute read A.I. News Google introduces AI studio for developers to easily build on its newly introduced Gemini model ...