Must be one of 'absolute', 'relativeToGround' or 'clampToGround'. 'color' Color specification, including transparency. Color value format must be passed as a character array according to the format string 'TTBBGGRR', with 'TT' representing transparency; 'BB', 'GG', and 'RR' repres...
'altitude' Height difference relative to the plane of reference (see parameter 'altitudeMode'). 'altitudeMode' Specifies which plane of reference to use. Must be one of 'absolute', 'relativeToGround' or 'clampToGround'. 'cLimHigh' Specifies the value to which the maximum of the colorbar ...
Must be one of 'absolute', 'relativeToGround' or 'clampToGround'. 'dataFormatStr' This parameter specifies how the numbers in the pop-up balloon will be displayed. Default is '%g'. See doc sprintf for information about formatting numbers. Value of the parameter is only relevant when numel...
1.Clamped to the ground. This is the default value and should be your normal selection. It causes the program to ignore the altitude values and to clamp everything to the ground. This results in placemarks being plotted exactly on the earth's surface and tracklogs flowing smoothly over the...
When I use Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles, I need to set globe: false (recommended by the official doc). I want to show a route (gpx file), so I import the file with GpxDataSource : viewer.dataSources.add(Cesium.GpxDataSource.load('track.gpx', { clampToGround: true, trackColor: Ce...
'altitudeMode'Specifies which plane of reference to use. Must be one of 'absolute', 'relativeToGround' or 'clampToGround'. 'description'A description of objects can be included using this parameter. Its value must be passed as a character array. It will be displayed in the Google Earth Vi...
Google Earth批量生成地标文件(kml)的Excel VBA代码 据一哥们需求,要把N(N>20000)多点添加到google earth中,这么繁杂、重复的工作怎么能用体力来完成呢,于是向我求助。 整理的地标包括名称、东经、北纬等数据,存储在excel文件中(第一列为名称,第二列为东经,第三列为北纬,坐标以小数度为单位,而不是度分秒)。
is held by the compaction of earth made by two side wheels that converge towards the ground, essentially characterized because on barron coupled transversely to the tractor hitch, two twin frames are attached perpendicular, each of the which comprises a flange that embraces the barron and comprises...
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