必应词典为您提供clamptoground的释义,网络释义: 地表层高度模式;模式;
CLAMP_TO_GROUND }; var entity = viewer.entities.add(eData); viewer.camera.setView({ destination: eData.position }); 但是,clamptoground和heightreference与box配合正常工作。我们怎样才能在平面状的盒子里正确地设置夹具。这是上面代码的sandcastle链接。 JavaScripthtml5-canvascesium 来源:https://stackoverf...
Copy link JoebhcommentedDec 21, 2016 When using a terrain provider that uses a heightmap terrain format, the CLAMP_TO_GROUND property produces incorrect positions for billboards. It is easier to see when there are more billboards placed. I can get it to happen every time when there are ...
据说模型贴地需要设置 heightReference: Cesium.HeightReference.CLAMP_TO_GROUND,但我自测其实不需要。先记着吧。 viewer.entities.add({ id: `flag-1`, name:"flag", position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(...item.position), model: { heightReference: Cesium.HeightReference.CLAMP_TO_GROUND,//让模型在地形...
1. windows平台上无论利用socket()函数还是WSASocket()函数创建的socket都是阻塞模式的: SOCKET WSAAPI ...
PathEntity style中没有clampToGround吗?在有地形的场景中,轨迹线无法贴地 相关链接 期望效果 轨迹播放时轨迹线能够贴地 Ice 创建了需求 6个月前 Ice 将负责人设置为棉棉 6个月前 展开全部操作日志 棉棉 6个月前 api中没有就不支持哦 棉棉 将任务状态从新建 修改为已解决 6个月前 棉棉 将任务状态...
When I use Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles, I need to set globe: false (recommended by the official doc). I want to show a route (gpx file), so I import the file with GpxDataSource : viewer.dataSources.add(Cesium.GpxDataSource.load('track.gpx', { clampToGround: true, trackColor: Ce...
The compression joint between the piece of wire and the clamp body can now be produced in the factory. At the site it is quite simple to connect the ground lead with the piece of wire compressed in the clamp.DEN HARTOG GERARDUS HENRIKUS J, NL...
Part Number: SN74AHC1G14 Please refer to this forum post: https://e2e.ti.com/support/logic-group/logic/f/logic-forum/992659/sn74ahc1g14-input-clamp-diodes-and