第一、v2 和 v3 的 API 接口完全不同。 第二、v2 只需要 API Keys 就可以使用了,v3 却一定要 OAuth 才能使用。 Setup 和Google Reviews、YouTube Data API 类似。 1. Google Cloud Account(要绑定信用卡哦) 2. Google Cloud Project 3. Enable Cloud Translation API 4. OAuth(App, Client id, Client ...
3) Google Translate API PHP Example. To use Google Translate API in PHP, you need to get Google API“Server Key”. All the translate API are called using GET requests. So we can usefile_get_contents()orPHP CURLLibrary.To encode the parameter,rawurlencode()function is used. To decode JSO...
The Translation Manager for Google Translation API In this part we are going to start implementing a class that we will nameTranslationManager, but we will finish it in the last part of the tutorial. In this class we’ll implement all that code we need to make web requests to Google Clou...
如要开始使用 Cloud Translation,您需要一个启用了 Cloud Translation API 的项目以及能进行身份验证调用的凭据 1.创建服务账号 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,转到创建服务帐号页面点击创建服务账号如需提供对项目的访问权限,请向服务帐号授予 Cloud Translation > Cloud Translation API Admin 角色点击继续并创建 2.创建...
Cloud Translation的核心在于其API,支持通过编程方式对100多种语言的文本进行实时翻译。它具备自动检测源语言的功能,且能无缝扩展,每日翻译字符数量不限。然而,每个请求和速率有限制,可通过配额管理预算。版本方面,Cloud Translation提供基础版和高级版,高级版包括额外功能如批量请求、自定义模型和术语表,...
Below is a list of service providers who specialize in implementing and optimizing Google Cloud Translation API. These service providers have expertise and experience helping businesses implement, integrate and customize Google Cloud Translation API.
从列表中选择Google Cloud Translation连接(提供程序),然后选择设置。 在编辑 Google Translate 连接对话框中,输入您的API 密钥并选择确定来保存设置。 注:一次只能在SDL Trados Studio中使用一个 API 密钥。如在一个项目中添加或更改 API 密钥,更新的密钥将用于所有使用Google Cloud Translation的其他项目。
If the source language is not specified, the API will attempt to detect the source language automatically and return it within the response. Model model string The translation model. Cloud Translation - Basic offers only the nmt Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model. If the model is base,...
This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through generating a Google Translate API Key. Create a New Project Go to API Services and enable Google Cloud Translation API Create a new API key Restrict API to particular website Restrict usage to control costs – Important!
Google Cloud Translation 一、gcloud init 二、gcloud auth application-default login 三、gcloud auth application-default print-access-token 四、gcloud services enable cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com iam.googleapis.com