第一、v2 和 v3 的 API 接口完全不同。 第二、v2 只需要 API Keys 就可以使用了,v3 却一定要 OAuth 才能使用。 Setup 和Google Reviews、YouTube Data API 类似。 1. Google Cloud Account(要绑定信用卡哦) 2. Google Cloud Project 3. Enable Cloud Translation API 4. OAuth(App, Client id, Client ...
In order to create a Google Translate API Key, you’ll need to sign up for the Google Cloud Console. Keep in mind that while Google does ask for your card information upon sign-up, you can use the translation API for free as long as you stay within the free tier limits (500.000 tran...
如要开始使用 Cloud Translation,您需要一个启用了 Cloud Translation API 的项目以及能进行身份验证调用的凭据 1.创建服务账号 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,转到创建服务帐号页面点击创建服务账号如需提供对项目的访问权限,请向服务帐号授予 Cloud Translation > Cloud Translation API Admin 角色点击继续并创建 2.创建...
如果您正在规划新项目,请使用 Cloud Translation 高级版构建应用,以利用新功能和改进的服务。Cloud Translation 基本版仍然可用,但不支持使用术语表、请求批量翻译或使用 AutoML 模型等新功能。 使用Cloud Translation 基本版翻译文本 准备工作: 如要开始使用 Cloud Translation,您需要一个启用了 Cloud Translation API 的...
🙂 当然我也很快下载使用。 Google Chrome 是 Google 最新推出的一款开源浏览器,目前只有 Windows 版本...
// 初始化OAuth2.0授权 const authenticate = () => { return gapi.auth2.getAuth...
Unofficial Google Translate API. This library does not need an api key or something else to use, it's free and simple. You can either use a string or a file to translate but the text must be equal to or less than 5000 character. You can split your text into 5000 characters to transl...
NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Target target string The language to use for translation of the input text, set to one of the language codes listed in Language Support. Model model string The translation model. Cloud Translation - Basic offers only the nmt Neural Machine Translation (NMT) mod...
curl https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/demo/image/upload-XPOST-F'file=@/path/to/windmill_day.jpg'-F'categorization=google_tagging:en:fr:es'-F'auto_tagging=0.6'-F'timestamp=173719931'-F'api_key=436464676'-F'signature=a781d61f86a6f818af' ...
Google Cloud Translation Basic (or Google Translate API v2) is one of the best-known machine translation services available. The translate.google.com service is free –but there is an API call charge for using it to translate a large amount of text, or using it within another tool. The Go...